MultiRoom Audio per RaspberryPi


fuer serielle Geraete im Netz bietet sich an. Der Zugriff aus IPS erfolgt dann per Client Socket.

Ich nutze die Raspberries unteranderem auch für absolut synchrones Multiroom Audio via Pulseaudio RTP Stream. Die Musik kommt vom MPD Server. Man kann aber jedes Sounddevice fast verzoegerungsfrei ins Netz streamen (Sprachausgabe, Skype, SIP, etc). Der Pulseaudio Mixer kann komplett von IPS fergesteuert werden. Bei Gelegenheit und Interesse kann ich mal ein How2do machen.

Gruss, Michael


interesse an dem howTo besteht auf jedenfall… :smiley:

Da hätt ich auf jeden Fall großes Interesse an so einem How-To…

Ich auch !

Melde auch Interesse an.

Wie hast du die PIs installiert? Deckeneinbau… irgendwo aufm Tisch? Wie schauts aus mit Verstärker etc?
Kannst Du das mal etwas näher umschreiben?
Ich habe überlegt auch diese Teile für Airplay zu nutzen…

Ich bin auch interessiert :slight_smile:

Beste Grüße

Bin ebenfalls interessiert an Deiner Lösung.


ich hab in der zwischenzeit schonmal ein bissel gebastelt… die MPD Integration in IPS läuft ohne Probleme und ist alles in allem sehr stabil… ich muss nur noch ein Error Handler einbauen… die Kombi mit PulseAudio läuft seit gestern abend auch, allerdings kann ich in den eizelnen Zonen die lautstärke noch nicht unabhängig regeln… aber das wird auch noch …

natürlich besteht weiterhin Interesse an der fertigen lösung :slight_smile:


Prinzipiell ist meine Lösung fertig… allerdings gibt es beim veröffentlichen nen paar hindernisse…
Ich denke das mein code mit dem was hier so im forum gepostet wird nicht mithalten kann :frowning:
ausserdem sind doch für die Backend installation ein paar linux kenntnisse notwenig… das macht das Dokumentieren nicht ganz so einfach :-/

ich bin momentan nicht sicher ob ich das ganze veröffentlichen sollte :confused:

Natürlich musst du das hier veröffentlichen. :wink:
Wir warten doch schon alle drauf! Vielleicht können wir dir ja helfen deinen Code zu verbessern und ggf. zusätzliche Features einzubauen.

Ich denke wir alle würden uns über eine Veröffentlichung freuen.

Viele Grüße

na gut überredet :wink:

dann mach ich mich mal an die Doku des Projekts


Vielleicht sollte man das Thema Multiroom mit dem PI an dieser Stelle abkoppeln, und in den

„Audio & Video, TK-Anlagen, ISDN“ - Bereich


Das interessiert sicher mehrere User, die es aber hier im Schaufenster nicht finden…

Verschoben :slight_smile:



ich poste mal ein paar schnipsel. Leider fehlt mir grad die Zeit alles zu dokumentieren, aber vielleicht hilt es…

erstmal eine mpd Klasse mit diversen Anpassungen für die IPS Integration.

 * mibu 10/2011
 * - minor changes for integration into ipsymcon
 * Sven Ginka ( 03/2010
 * Version mpd.class.php-1.3
 * - take over from Hendrik Stoetter
 * - removed "split()" as this function is marked depracted
 * - added property "xfade" (used by IPodMp, phpMp+)
 * - added property "bitrate" (used by phpMp+)
 * - added define "MPD_SEARCH_FILENAME"
 * - included sorting algorithm "msort"
 * - added function validateFile() for guessing a title if no ID3 data is given
 * Hendrik Stoetter 03/2008
 * - this a lightly modified version of mod.class Version 1.2.
 * - fixed some bugs and added some new functions
 * - Changes:
 * 		GetDir($url) -> GetDir(url,$sort)
 * 		var $stats
 *  Benjamin Carlisle 05/05/2004
 *  mpd.class.php - PHP Object Interface to the MPD Music Player Daemon
 *  Version 1.2, Released 05/05/2004
 *  Copyright (C) 2003-2004  Benjamin Carlisle (
 * |
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

 * MPD command reference at

// Create common command definitions for MPD to use
define("MPD_CMD_STATUS",      "status");
define("MPD_CMD_STATISTICS",  "stats");
define("MPD_CMD_VOLUME",      "volume");
define("MPD_CMD_SETVOL",      "setvol");
define("MPD_CMD_PLAY",        "play");
define("MPD_CMD_STOP",        "stop");
define("MPD_CMD_PAUSE",       "pause");
define("MPD_CMD_NEXT",        "next");
define("MPD_CMD_PREV",        "previous");
define("MPD_CMD_PLLIST",      "playlistinfo");
define("MPD_CMD_PLADD",       "add");
define("MPD_CMD_PLREMOVE",    "delete");
define("MPD_CMD_PLCLEAR",     "clear");
define("MPD_CMD_PLSHUFFLE",   "shuffle");
define("MPD_CMD_PLLOAD",      "load");
define("MPD_CMD_PLSAVE",      "save");
define("MPD_CMD_KILL",        "kill");
define("MPD_CMD_REFRESH",     "update");
define("MPD_CMD_REPEAT",      "repeat");
define("MPD_CMD_LSDIR",       "lsinfo");
define("MPD_CMD_SEARCH",      "search");
define("MPD_CMD_START_BULK",  "command_list_begin");
define("MPD_CMD_END_BULK",    "command_list_end");
define("MPD_CMD_FIND",        "find");
define("MPD_CMD_RANDOM",      "random");
define("MPD_CMD_SEEK",        "seek");
define("MPD_CMD_PLSWAPTRACK", "swap");
define("MPD_CMD_PLMOVETRACK", "move");
define("MPD_CMD_PASSWORD",    "password");
define("MPD_CMD_TABLE",       "list");
define("MPD_CMD_PLMOVE",      "move" );

// Predefined MPD Response messages
define("MPD_RESPONSE_ERR", "ACK");
define("MPD_RESPONSE_OK",  "OK");

// MPD State Constants
define("MPD_STATE_PLAYING", "play");
define("MPD_STATE_STOPPED", "stop");
define("MPD_STATE_PAUSED",  "pause");

// MPD Searching Constants
define("MPD_SEARCH_ARTIST", "artist");
define("MPD_SEARCH_TITLE",  "title");
define("MPD_SEARCH_ALBUM",  "album");
define("MPD_SEARCH_ANY",  	"any");

// MPD Cache Tables

$mpd_debug = 0;

function addLog($text){
	global $mpd_debug;
	$style="background-color:lightgrey;border:thin solid grey;margin:5px;padding:5px";
	if ($mpd_debug) echo '<div style="'.$style.'">log:>'.$text.'</div>';
function addErr($err){
	global $mpd_debug;
	if ($mpd_debug) echo 'error:>'.$err.'<br>';

class mpd {
	// TCP/Connection variables
	var $host;
	var $port;
   var $password;

	var $mpd_sock   = NULL;
	var $connected  = FALSE;

	// MPD Status variables
	var $mpd_version    = "(unknown)";

	var $state;
	var $current_track_position;
	var $current_track_length;
	var $current_track_id;
	var $volume;
	var $repeat;
	var $random;

	var $uptime;
	var $playtime;
	var $db_last_refreshed;
	var $num_songs_played;
	var $playlist_count;
	var $xfade;
	var $bitrate;

	var $num_artists;
	var $num_albums;
	var $num_songs;

	var $playlist		= array();

	var $stats;

	// Misc Other Vars
	var $mpd_class_version = "1.3";

	var $debugging   = FALSE;    // Set to TRUE to turn extended debugging on.
	var $errStr      = "";       // Used for maintaining information about the last error message

	var $command_queue;          // The list of commands for bulk command sending

    // =================== BEGIN OBJECT METHODS ================

	/* mpd() : Constructor
	 * Builds the MPD object, connects to the server, and refreshes all local object properties.
	function mpd($srv,$port,$pwd = NULL, $debug= FALSE ) {
		$this->host = $srv;
		$this->port = $port;
        $this->password = $pwd;
        $this->debugging = $debug;

        global $mpd_debug;
        $mpd_debug = $debug;

		$resp = $this->Connect();
		if ( is_null($resp) ) {
            addErr( "Could not connect" );
		} else {
			addLog( "connected");
			list ( $this->mpd_version ) = sscanf($resp, MPD_RESPONSE_OK . " MPD %s
            if ( ! is_null($pwd) ) {
                if ( is_null($this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_PASSWORD,$pwd)) ) {
                    $this->connected = FALSE;
                    addErr("bad password");
                    return;  // bad password or command
/*    			if ( is_null($this->RefreshInfo()) ) { // no read access -- might as well be disconnected!
                    $this->connected = FALSE;
                    addErr("Password supplied does not have read access");
            } else {
    			if ( is_null($this->RefreshInfo()) ) { // no read access -- might as well be disconnected!
                    $this->connected = FALSE;
                    addErr("Password required to access server");
                } */

	/* Connect()
	 * Connects to the MPD server.
	 * NOTE: This is called automatically upon object instantiation; you should not need to call this directly.
	function Connect() {
		addLog( "mpd->Connect() / host: ".$this->host.", port: ".$this->port."
" );
		$this->mpd_sock = fsockopen($this->host,$this->port,$errNo,$errStr,10);
		if (!$this->mpd_sock) {
			addErr("Socket Error: $errStr ($errNo)");
			return NULL;
		} else {
			while(!feof($this->mpd_sock)) {
				if ($counter > 10){
					addErr("no file end");
					return NULL;
				$response =  fgets($this->mpd_sock,1024);
				addLog( $response );

				if (strncmp(MPD_RESPONSE_OK,$response,strlen(MPD_RESPONSE_OK)) == 0) {
					$this->connected = TRUE;
					return $response;
				if (strncmp(MPD_RESPONSE_ERR,$response,strlen(MPD_RESPONSE_ERR)) == 0) {
					// close socket
					addErr("Server responded with: $response");
					return NULL;

			// close socket
			// Generic response
			addErr("Connection not available");
			return NULL;

	/* SendCommand()
	 * Sends a generic command to the MPD server. Several command constants are pre-defined for
	 * use (see MPD_CMD_* constant definitions above).
	function SendCommand($cmdStr,$arg1 = "",$arg2 = "") {
		addLog("mpd->SendCommand() / cmd: ".$cmdStr.", args: ".$arg1." ".$arg2 );

		// Clear out the error String
		$this->errStr = NULL;
		$respStr = "";

		if ( ! $this->connected ) {
			addErr( "mpd->SendCommand() / Error: Not connected");
		} else {

			// Check the command compatibility:
			if ( ! $this->_checkCompatibility($cmdStr) ) {
				return NULL;

			if (strlen($arg1) > 0) $cmdStr .= " \"$arg1\"";
			if (strlen($arg2) > 0) $cmdStr .= " \"$arg2\"";
			while(!feof($this->mpd_sock)) {
				$response = fgets($this->mpd_sock,1024);

				// An OK signals the end of transmission -- we'll ignore it
				if (strncmp(MPD_RESPONSE_OK,$response,strlen(MPD_RESPONSE_OK)) == 0) {

				// An ERR signals the end of transmission with an error! Let's grab the single-line message.
				if (strncmp(MPD_RESPONSE_ERR,$response,strlen(MPD_RESPONSE_ERR)) == 0) {
					list ( $junk, $errTmp ) = strtok(MPD_RESPONSE_ERR . " ",$response );
					addErr( strtok($errTmp,"
") );
					return NULL;

				// Build the response string
				$respStr .= $response;
			addLog("mpd->SendCommand() / response: '".$respStr."'
		return $respStr;

	/* QueueCommand()
	 * Queues a generic command for later sending to the MPD server. The CommandQueue can hold
	 * as many commands as needed, and are sent all at once, in the order they are queued, using
	 * the SendCommandQueue() method. The syntax for queueing commands is identical to SendCommand().
	function QueueCommand($cmdStr,$arg1 = "",$arg2 = "") {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->QueueCommand() / cmd: ".$cmdStr.", args: ".$arg1." ".$arg2."
		if ( ! $this->connected ) {
			echo "mpd->QueueCommand() / Error: Not connected
			return NULL;
		} else {
			if ( strlen($this->command_queue) == 0 ) {
				$this->command_queue = MPD_CMD_START_BULK . "
			if (strlen($arg1) > 0) $cmdStr .= " \"$arg1\"";
			if (strlen($arg2) > 0) $cmdStr .= " \"$arg2\"";

			$this->command_queue .= $cmdStr ."

			if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->QueueCommand() / return
		return TRUE;

	/* SendCommandQueue()
	 * Sends all commands in the Command Queue to the MPD server. See also QueueCommand().
	function SendCommandQueue() {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->SendCommandQueue()
		if ( ! $this->connected ) {
			echo "mpd->SendCommandQueue() / Error: Not connected
			return NULL;
		} else {
			$this->command_queue .= MPD_CMD_END_BULK . "
			if ( is_null($respStr = $this->SendCommand($this->command_queue)) ) {
				return NULL;
			} else {
				$this->command_queue = NULL;
				if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->SendCommandQueue() / response: '".$respStr."'
		return $respStr;

	/* AdjustVolume()
	 * Adjusts the mixer volume on the MPD by <modifier>, which can be a positive (volume increase),
	 * or negative (volume decrease) value.
	function AdjustVolume($modifier) {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->AdjustVolume()
		if ( ! is_numeric($modifier) ) {
			$this->errStr = "AdjustVolume() : argument 1 must be a numeric value";
			return NULL;

        $newVol = $this->volume + $modifier;
        $ret = $this->SetVolume($newVol);

		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->AdjustVolume() / return
		return $ret;

	/* SetVolume()
	 * Sets the mixer volume to <newVol>, which should be between 1 - 100.
	function SetVolume($newVol) {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->SetVolume()
		if ( ! is_numeric($newVol) ) {
			$this->errStr = "SetVolume() : argument 1 must be a numeric value";
			return NULL;

        // Forcibly prevent out of range errors
		if ( $newVol < 0 )   $newVol = 0;
		if ( $newVol > 100 ) $newVol = 100;

        // If we're not compatible with SETVOL, we'll try adjusting using VOLUME
        if ( $this->_checkCompatibility(MPD_CMD_SETVOL) ) {
            if ( ! is_null($ret = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_SETVOL,$newVol))) $this->volume = $newVol;
        } else {
    		$this->RefreshInfo();     // Get the latest volume
    		if ( is_null($this->volume) ) {
    			return NULL;
    		} else {
    			$modifier = ( $newVol - $this->volume );
                if ( ! is_null($ret = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_VOLUME,$modifier))) $this->volume = $newVol;

		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->SetVolume() / return
		return $ret;

	/* GetDir()
     * Retrieves a database directory listing of the <dir> directory and places the results into
	 * a multidimensional array. If no directory is specified, the directory listing is at the
	 * base of the MPD music path.
	function GetDir($dir = "",$sort = "") {

		addLog( "mpd->GetDir()" );
		$resp = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_LSDIR,$dir);
		$listArray = $this->_parseFileListResponse($resp);

		if ($listArray==null){
			return null;

		// we have 3 differnt items: directory, playlist and file
		// we have to sort them individually and separate
		// playlist and directory by name
		// file by $sort

		// 1st: subarrays
		$array_directory 	= $listArray['directories'];
		$array_playlist 	= $listArray['playlists'];
		$array_file 		= $listArray['files'];

		// 2nd: sort them
		// 3rd: rebuild
		$array_return= array(
						"directories"=> $array_directory,
						"playlists"=> $array_playlist,
						"files"=> $array_file

		foreach ($array_directory as $value) {
			$array_return[]["directory"] = $value;
		foreach ($array_playlist as $value) {
			$array_return[]["playlist"] = $value;
		$array_return = array_merge($array_return,$array_file);
		addLog( "mpd->GetDir() / return ".print_r($array_return,true));
		return $array_return;

	/* GetDirTest() (Unoffical add) -- Returns readable dir contents
     * Retrieves a database directory listing of the <dir> directory and places the results into
	 * a multidimensional array. If no directory is specified, the directory listing is at the
	 * base of the MPD music path.
	function GetDirTest($dir = "") {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->GetDir()
		$resp = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_LSDIR,$dir);

		#$dirlist = $this->_parseFileListResponse($resp);
        $dirlist = $this->_parseFileListResponseHumanReadable($resp);

		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->GetDir() / return ".print_r($dirlist)."
		return $dirlist;

	/* PLAdd()
     * Adds each track listed in a single-dimensional <trackArray>, which contains filenames
	 * of tracks to add, to the end of the playlist. This is used to add many, many tracks to
	 * the playlist in one swoop.
	function PLAddBulk($trackArray) {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->PLAddBulk()
		$num_files = count($trackArray);
		for ( $i = 0; $i < $num_files; $i++ ) {
		$resp = $this->SendCommandQueue();
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->PLAddBulk() / return
		return $resp;

	/* PLAdd()
	 * Adds the file <file> to the end of the playlist. <file> must be a track in the MPD database.
	function PLAdd($fileName) {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->PLAdd()
		if ( ! is_null($resp = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_PLADD,$fileName))) $this->RefreshInfo();
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->PLAdd() / return
		return $resp;

	/* PLMoveTrack()
	 * Moves track number <origPos> to position <newPos> in the playlist. This is used to reorder
	 * the songs in the playlist.
	function PLMoveTrack($origPos, $newPos) {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->PLMoveTrack()
		if ( ! is_numeric($origPos) ) {
			$this->errStr = "PLMoveTrack(): argument 1 must be numeric";
			return NULL;
		if ( $origPos < 0 or $origPos > $this->playlist_count ) {
			$this->errStr = "PLMoveTrack(): argument 1 out of range";
			return NULL;
		if ( $newPos < 0 ) $newPos = 0;
		if ( $newPos > $this->playlist_count ) $newPos = $this->playlist_count;

		if ( ! is_null($resp = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_PLMOVETRACK,$origPos,$newPos))) $this->RefreshInfo();
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->PLMoveTrack() / return
		return $resp;

	/* PLShuffle()
	 * Randomly reorders the songs in the playlist.
	function PLShuffle() {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->PLShuffle()
		if ( ! is_null($resp = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_PLSHUFFLE))) $this->RefreshInfo();
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->PLShuffle() / return
		return $resp;

	/* PLLoad()
	 * Retrieves the playlist from <file>.m3u and loads it into the current playlist.
	function PLLoad($file) {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->PLLoad()
		if ( ! is_null($resp = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_PLLOAD,$file))) $this->RefreshInfo();
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->PLLoad() / return
		return $resp;

	/* PLSave()
	 * Saves the playlist to <file>.m3u for later retrieval. The file is saved in the MPD playlist
	 * directory.
	function PLSave($file) {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->PLSave()
		$resp = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_PLSAVE,$file);
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->PLSave() / return
		return $resp;

	/* PLClear()
	 * Empties the playlist.
	function PLClear() {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->PLClear()
		if ( ! is_null($resp = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_PLCLEAR))) $this->RefreshInfo();
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->PLClear() / return
		return $resp;

	/* PLRemove()
	 * Removes track <id> from the playlist.
	function PLRemove($id) {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->PLRemove()
		if ( ! is_numeric($id) ) {
			$this->errStr = "PLRemove() : argument 1 must be a numeric value";
			return NULL;
		if ( ! is_null($resp = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_PLREMOVE,$id))) $this->RefreshInfo();
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->PLRemove() / return
		return $resp;

	/* SetRepeat()
	 * Enables 'loop' mode -- tells MPD continually loop the playlist. The <repVal> parameter
	 * is either 1 (on) or 0 (off).
	function SetRepeat($repVal) {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->SetRepeat()
		$rpt = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_REPEAT,$repVal);
		$this->repeat = $repVal;
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->SetRepeat() / return
		return $rpt;

	/* SetRandom()
	 * Enables 'randomize' mode -- tells MPD to play songs in the playlist in random order. The
	 * <rndVal> parameter is either 1 (on) or 0 (off).
	function SetRandom($rndVal) {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->SetRandom()
		$resp = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_RANDOM,$rndVal);
		$this->random = $rndVal;
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->SetRandom() / return
		return $resp;

	/* Shutdown()
	 * Shuts down the MPD server (aka sends the KILL command). This closes the current connection,
	 * and prevents future communication with the server.
	function Shutdown() {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->Shutdown()
		$resp = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_SHUTDOWN);

		$this->connected = FALSE;

		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->Shutdown() / return
		return $resp;

	/* DBRefresh()
	 * Tells MPD to rescan the music directory for new tracks, and to refresh the Database. Tracks
	 * cannot be played unless they are in the MPD database.
	function DBRefresh() {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->DBRefresh()
		$resp = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_REFRESH);

		// Update local variables

		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->DBRefresh() / return
		return $resp;

	/* Play()
	 * Begins playing the songs in the MPD playlist.
	function Play() {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->Play()
		if ( ! is_null($rpt = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_PLAY) )) $this->RefreshInfo();
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->Play() / return
		return $rpt;

	/* Stop()
	 * Stops playing the MPD.
	function Stop() {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->Stop()
		if ( ! is_null($rpt = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_STOP) )) $this->RefreshInfo();
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->Stop() / return
		return $rpt;

	/* Pause()
	 * Toggles pausing on the MPD. Calling it once will pause the player, calling it again
	 * will unpause.
	function Pause() {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->Pause()
		if ( ! is_null($rpt = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_PAUSE) )) $this->RefreshInfo();
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->Pause() / return
		return $rpt;

	/* SeekTo()
	 * Skips directly to the <idx> song in the MPD playlist.
	function SkipTo($idx) {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->SkipTo()
		if ( ! is_numeric($idx) ) {
			$this->errStr = "SkipTo() : argument 1 must be a numeric value";
			return NULL;
		if ( ! is_null($rpt = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_PLAY,$idx))) $this->RefreshInfo();
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->SkipTo() / return
		return $idx;

	/* SeekTo()
	 * Skips directly to a given position within a track in the MPD playlist. The <pos> argument,
	 * given in seconds, is the track position to locate. The <track> argument, if supplied is
	 * the track number in the playlist. If <track> is not specified, the current track is assumed.
	function SeekTo($pos, $track = -1) {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->SeekTo()
		if ( ! is_numeric($pos) ) {
			$this->errStr = "SeekTo() : argument 1 must be a numeric value";
			return NULL;
		if ( ! is_numeric($track) ) {
			$this->errStr = "SeekTo() : argument 2 must be a numeric value";
			return NULL;
		if ( $track == -1 ) {
			$track = $this->current_track_id;

		if ( ! is_null($rpt = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_SEEK,$track,$pos))) $this->RefreshInfo();
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->SeekTo() / return
		return $pos;

	/* Next()
	 * Skips to the next song in the MPD playlist. If not playing, returns an error.
	function Next() {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->Next()
		if ( ! is_null($rpt = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_NEXT))) $this->RefreshInfo();
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->Next() / return
		return $rpt;

	/* Previous()
	 * Skips to the previous song in the MPD playlist. If not playing, returns an error.
	function Previous() {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->Previous()
		if ( ! is_null($rpt = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_PREV))) $this->RefreshInfo();
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->Previous() / return
		return $rpt;

	/* Search()
     * Searches the MPD database. The search <type> should be one of the following:
     * The search <string> is a case-insensitive locator string. Anything that contains
	 * <string> will be returned in the results.
	function Search($type,$string) {
		if ( $type != MPD_SEARCH_ARTIST and
	         $type != MPD_SEARCH_ALBUM and
	         $type != MPD_SEARCH_ANY and
			 $type != MPD_SEARCH_TITLE ) {
			addErr( "mpd->Search(): invalid search type" );
			return NULL;
		} else {
			if ( is_null($resp = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_SEARCH,$type,$string)))	return NULL;
			$searchlist = $this->_parseFileListResponse($resp);
		addLog( "mpd->Search() / return ".print_r($searchlist,true) );
		return $searchlist;

	/* Find()
	 * Find() looks for exact matches in the MPD database. The find <type> should be one of
	 * the following:
     * The find <string> is a case-insensitive locator string. Anything that exactly matches
	 * <string> will be returned in the results.
	function Find($type,$string) {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->Find()
		if ( $type != MPD_SEARCH_ARTIST and
	         $type != MPD_SEARCH_ALBUM and
			 $type != MPD_SEARCH_TITLE ) {
			$this->errStr = "mpd->Find(): invalid find type";
			return NULL;
		} else {
			if ( is_null($resp = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_FIND,$type,$string)))	return NULL;
			$searchlist = $this->_parseFileListResponse($resp);
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->Find() / return ".print_r($searchlist)."
		return $searchlist;

	/* Disconnect()
	 * Closes the connection to the MPD server.
	function Disconnect() {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->Disconnect()

		$this->connected = FALSE;

	/* GetArtists()
	 * Returns the list of artists in the database in an associative array.
	function GetArtists() {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->GetArtists()
		if ( is_null($resp = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_TABLE, MPD_TBL_ARTIST)))	return NULL;
        $arArray = array();

        $arLine = strtok($resp,"
        $arName = "";
        $arCounter = -1;
        while ( $arLine ) {
            list ( $element, $value ) = explode(": ",$arLine);
            if ( $element == "Artist" ) {
            	$arName = $value;
            	$arArray[$arCounter] = $arName;

            $arLine = strtok("
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->GetArtists()
        return $arArray;

    /* GetAlbums()
	 * Returns the list of albums in the database in an associative array. Optional parameter
     * is an artist Name which will list all albums by a particular artist.
	function GetAlbums( $ar = NULL) {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->GetAlbums()
		if ( is_null($resp = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_TABLE, MPD_TBL_ALBUM, $ar )))	return NULL;
        $alArray = array();

        $alLine = strtok($resp,"
        $alName = "";
        $alCounter = -1;
        while ( $alLine ) {
            list ( $element, $value ) = explode(": ",$alLine);
            if ( $element == "Album" ) {
            	$alName = $value;
            	$alArray[$alCounter] = $alName;

            $alLine = strtok("
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->GetAlbums()
        return $alArray;

	//***************************** INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ******************************//

    /* _computeVersionValue()
     * Computes a compatibility value from a version string
    private function _computeVersionValue($verStr) {
		list ($ver_maj, $ver_min, $ver_rel ) = explode(".",$verStr);
		return ( 100 * $ver_maj ) + ( 10 * $ver_min ) + ( $ver_rel );

	/* _checkCompatibility()
	 * Check MPD command compatibility against our internal table. If there is no version
	 * listed in the table, allow it by default.
	private function _checkCompatibility($cmd) {
        // Check minimum compatibility
		if (isset($this->COMPATIBILITY_MIN_TBL[$cmd])){
			$req_ver_low = $this->COMPATIBILITY_MIN_TBL[$cmd];
		} else {
			$req_ver_low = "0.9.1";
		// check max compatibility
		if (isset($this->COMPATIBILITY_MAX_TBL[$cmd])){
			$req_ver_hi = $this->COMPATIBILITY_MAX_TBL[$cmd];
		} else {
			$req_ver_hi = "0.20.0";

		$mpd_ver = $this->_computeVersionValue($this->mpd_version);

		if ( $req_ver_low ) {
			$req_ver = $this->_computeVersionValue($req_ver_low);

			if ( $mpd_ver < $req_ver ) {
				addErr("Command '$cmd' is not compatible with this version of MPD, version ".$req_ver_low." required");
				return FALSE;

        // Check maximum compatibility -- this will check for deprecations
		if ( $req_ver_hi ) {
            $req_ver = $this->_computeVersionValue($req_ver_hi);

			if ( $mpd_ver > $req_ver ) {
				addErr("Command '$cmd' has been deprecated in this version of MPD.");
				return FALSE;

		return TRUE;

	 * checks the file entry and complete it if necesarry
	 * checked fields are 'Artist', 'Genre' and 'Title'
	private function _validateFile( $fileItem ){

		$filename = $fileItem['file'];

		if (!isset($fileItem['Artist'])){ $fileItem['Artist']=null; }
		if (!isset($fileItem['Genre'])){ $fileItem['Genre']=null; }

		// special conversion for streams
		if (stripos($filename, 'http' )!==false){
			if (!isset($fileItem['Title'])) $title = ''; else $title=$fileItem['Title'];
			if (!isset($fileItem['Name'])) $name = ''; else $name=$fileItem['Name'];
			if (!isset($fileItem['Artist'])) $artist = ''; else $artist=$fileItem['Artist'];

			if (strlen($title.$name.$artist)==0){
				$fileItem['Title'] = $filename;
			} else {
				$fileItem['Title'] = 'stream://'.$title.' '.$name.' '.$artist;


		if (!isset($fileItem['Title'])){
			$file_parts = explode('/', $filename);
			$fileItem['Title'] = $filename;

		return $fileItem;

	 * take the response of mpd and split it up into
	 * items of types 'file', 'directory' and 'playlist'
	private function _extractItems( $resp ){

		if ( $resp == null ) {
			addLog('empty file list');
			return NULL;

		// strip unwanted chars
		$resp = trim($resp);
		// split up into lines
		$lineList = explode("
", $resp );

		$array = array();

		foreach ($lineList as $line ){
			list ( $element, $value ) = explode(": ",$line);

			// if one of the key words come up, store the item
			if (($element == "directory") or ($element=="playlist") or ($element=="file")){
				if ($item){
					$array[] = $item;
				$item = array();
			$item[$element] = $value;
		// check if there is a last item to store
		if (sizeof($item)>0){
			$array[] = $item;

		return $array;

	/* _parseFileListResponse()
	 * Builds a multidimensional array with MPD response lists.
	 * NOTE: This function is used internally within the class. It should not be used.
	private function _parseFileListResponse($resp) {

		$valuesArray = $this->_extractItems( $resp );

		if ($valuesArray == null ){
			return null;

		//1. create empty arrays
		$directoriesArray = array();
		$filesArray = array();
		$playlistsArray = array();

		//2. sort the items
		foreach ( $valuesArray as $item ) {

			if (isset($item['file'])){
				$filesArray[] = $this->_validateFile($item);
			} else if (isset($item['directory'])){
				$directoriesArray[] = $item['directory'];
			} else if (isset($item['playlist'])){
				$playlistsArray[] = $item['playlist'];
			} else {
				addErr('should not enter this');

		//3. create a combined list of items
		$returnArray = array(

		addLog( print_r($valuesArray,true) );

		return $returnArray;


	/* RefreshInfo()
	 * Updates all class properties with the values from the MPD server.
	 * NOTE: This function is automatically called upon Connect() as of v1.1.
	function RefreshInfo() {
        // Get the Server Statistics
		$statStr = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_STATISTICS);
		if ( !$statStr ) {
			return NULL;
		} else {
			$stats = array();

			$statLine = explode( "
", $statStr );
			foreach ( $statLine as $line ) {
				list ( $element, $value ) = explode(": ",$line);
				$stats[$element] = $value;

        // Get the Server Status
		$statusStr = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_STATUS);
		if ( ! $statusStr ) {
			return NULL;
		} else {
			$status = array();
			$statusLine = explode("
", $statusStr );
			foreach ( $statusLine as $line ) {
				list ( $element, $value ) = explode(": ",$line);
				$status[$element] = $value;

        // Get the Playlist
		$plStr = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_PLLIST);
   		$array = $this->_parseFileListResponse($plStr);
   		$playlist = $array['files'];
	   	$this->playlist_count = count($playlist);
	   	$this->playlist = array();
	   	if (sizeof($playlist)>0){
			foreach ($playlist as $item ){

      // Set Misc Other Variables";
		$this->state = $status['state'];
		if ( ($this->state == MPD_STATE_PLAYING) || ($this->state == MPD_STATE_PAUSED) ) {
			$this->current_track_id = $status['song'];
			list ($this->current_track_position, $this->current_track_length ) = explode(":",$status['time']);
		} else {
			$this->current_track_id = -1;
			$this->current_track_position = -1;
			$this->current_track_length = -1;

		$this->repeat = $status['repeat'];
		$this->random = $status['random'];

		$this->db_last_refreshed = $stats['db_update'];

		$this->volume = $status['volume'];
		$this->uptime = $stats['uptime'];
		$this->playtime = $stats['playtime'];
		$this->num_songs_played = $stats['songs'];
		$this->num_artists = $stats['artists'];
		$this->num_songs = $stats['songs'];
		$this->num_albums = $stats['albums'];
		$this->xfade = $status['xfade'];
		if(isset($status['bitrate'])) $this->bitrate = $status['bitrate'];
        else $this->bitrate = FALSE;

		return TRUE;

    /* ------------------ DEPRECATED METHODS -------------------*/
	/* GetStatistics()
	 * Retrieves the 'statistics' variables from the server and tosses them into an array.
	 * NOTE: This function really should not be used. Instead, use $this->[variable]. The function
	 *   will most likely be deprecated in future releases.
	function GetStatistics() {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->GetStatistics()
		$stats = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_STATISTICS);
		if ( !$stats ) {
			return NULL;
		} else {
			$statsArray = array();
			$statsLine = strtok($stats,"
			while ( $statsLine ) {
				list ( $element, $value ) = explode(": ",$statsLine);
				$statsArray[$element] = $value;
				$statsLine = strtok("
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->GetStatistics() / return: " . print_r($statsArray) ."
		return $statsArray;

	/* GetStatus()
	 * Retrieves the 'status' variables from the server and tosses them into an array.
	 * NOTE: This function really should not be used. Instead, use $this->[variable]. The function
	 *   will most likely be deprecated in future releases.
	function GetStatus() {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->GetStatus()
		$status = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_STATUS);
		if ( ! $status ) {
			return NULL;
		} else {
			$statusArray = array();
			$statusLine = strtok($status,"
			while ( $statusLine ) {
				list ( $element, $value ) = explode(": ",$statusLine);
				$statusArray[$element] = $value;
				$statusLine = strtok("
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->GetStatus() / return: " . print_r($statusArray) ."
		return $statusArray;

	/* GetVolume()
	 * Retrieves the mixer volume from the server.
	 * NOTE: This function really should not be used. Instead, use $this->volume. The function
	 *   will most likely be deprecated in future releases.
	function GetVolume() {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->GetVolume()
		$volLine = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_STATUS);
		if ( ! $volLine ) {
			return NULL;
		} else {
			list ($vol) = sscanf($volLine,"volume: %d");
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->GetVolume() / return: $vol
		return $vol;

	/* GetPlaylist()
	 * Retrieves the playlist from the server and tosses it into a multidimensional array.
	 * NOTE: This function really should not be used. Instead, use $this->playlist. The function
	 *   will most likely be deprecated in future releases.
	function GetPlaylist() {
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->GetPlaylist()
		$resp = $this->SendCommand(MPD_CMD_PLLIST);
		$playlist = $this->_parseFileListResponse($resp);
		if ( $this->debugging ) echo "mpd->GetPlaylist() / return ".print_r($playlist)."
		return $playlist;

    /* ----------------- Command compatibility tables --------------------- */
		MPD_CMD_SEEK 		=> "0.9.1"	,
		MPD_CMD_PLMOVE  	=> "0.9.1"	,
		MPD_CMD_RANDOM  	=> "0.9.1"	,
		MPD_CMD_PLSWAPTRACK	=> "0.9.1"	,
		MPD_CMD_PLMOVETRACK	=> "0.9.1"  ,
		MPD_CMD_PASSWORD	=> "0.10.0" ,
        MPD_CMD_SETVOL      => "0.10.0"


    var $COMPATIBILITY_MAX_TBL = array(
        MPD_CMD_VOLUME      => "0.10.0"

}   // ---------------------------- end of class ------------------------------

function msort($a,$b) {
	global $sort_array,$filenames_only;
	$ret = 0;
	while($filenames_only!="yes" && $i<4 && $ret==0) {
		if(!isset($a[$sort_array[$i]])) {
			if(isset($b[$sort_array[$i]])) {
				$ret = -1;
		else if(!isset($b[$sort_array[$i]])) {
			$ret = 1;
		else if(strcmp($sort_array[$i],"Track")==0) {
			$ret = strnatcmp($a[$sort_array[$i]],$b[$sort_array[$i]]);
		else {
			$ret = strcasecmp($a[$sort_array[$i]],$b[$sort_array[$i]]);
		$ret = strcasecmp($a["file"],$b["file"]);
	return $ret;

function picksort($pick) {
	global $sort_array;
	if(0==strcmp($pick,$sort_array[0])) {
		return "$sort_array[0],$sort_array[1],$sort_array[2],$sort_array[3]";
	else if(0==strcmp($pick,$sort_array[1])) {
		return "$pick,$sort_array[0],$sort_array[2],$sort_array[3]";
	else if(0==strcmp($pick,$sort_array[2])) {
		return "$pick,$sort_array[0],$sort_array[1],$sort_array[3]";
	else if(0==strcmp($pick,$sort_array[3])) {
		return "$pick,$sort_array[0],$sort_array[1],$sort_array[2]";


dies holt secuendlich den MPD status:

function includeScript($scriptID)
{ $s = IPS_GetScript($scriptID);

includeScript(27041 /*[Multimedia\mpd\MPD\mpd_class]*/ );

$mpd = new mpd("hs",6600, NULL, false);

$status = $mpd->GetStatus();


if(array_key_exists('time', $status))
	$time = explode(":", $status['time']);
	if ($time[1] > 0)
		SetValueInteger(11412 /*[Multimedia\mpd\MPD\Time\Playtime]*/ , (100 / $time[1] * $time[0]));
		SetValueString(19941 /*[Multimedia\mpd\MPD\Time\Playtime]*/ , secs_to_h($time[0]) ." - " .secs_to_h($time[1]));
	   SetValueInteger(11412 /*[Multimedia\mpd\MPD\Time\Playtime]*/ , 50);
	   SetValueString(19941 /*[Multimedia\mpd\MPD\Time\Playtime]*/ , secs_to_h($time[0]));

if(array_key_exists('state', $status))
	$cmd = array("previous" => 0, "play" => 1, "pause" =>2, "stop" =>3, "next" =>4 );
	SetValueInteger(52404 /*[Multimedia\mpd\MPD\Control]*/ , $cmd[$status['state']]);
	//echo $cmd[$status['state']];

if(array_key_exists('song', $status))
	if (GetValueInteger(42957 /*[Multimedia\mpd\MPD\Time\Song]*/ ) <> (int)$status['song']) //new song?
		SetValueInteger(42957 /*[Multimedia\mpd\MPD\Time\Song]*/ , (int)$status['song']);
		SetValueInteger(25232 /*[Multimedia\mpd\MPD PL\Playlist]*/ , (int)$status['song']);

		$info = $mpd->RefreshInfo();
		$current = $mpd->playlist[$status['song']];
		//reload playlist
		IPS_SetVariableProfileValues ( "myPlaylist" , 0 , count($mpd->playlist) -1 , 1 );
		for ($n=0; $n < count($mpd->playlist); $n++)
			IPS_SetVariableProfileAssociation ( "myPlaylist" , $n ,$mpd->playlist[$n]['Title'] , "" , 0 );

		if(array_key_exists('Title', $current))
			SetValueString(57291 /*[Multimedia\mpd\MPD\Titel\Current Title]*/ , $current['Title']);
		   SetValueString(57291 /*[Multimedia\mpd\MPD\Titel\Current Title]*/ , "N/A");

		if(array_key_exists('Artist', $current))
			SetValueString(54218 /*[Multimedia\mpd\MPD\Titel\Current Artist]*/ , $current['Artist']);
		   SetValueString(54218 /*[Multimedia\mpd\MPD\Titel\Current Artist]*/ , "N/A");

	 	if(array_key_exists('Album', $current))
			SetValueString(58039 /*[Multimedia\mpd\MPD\Titel\Current Album]*/ , $current['Album']);
		   SetValueString(58039 /*[Multimedia\mpd\MPD\Titel\Current Album]*/ , "N/A");


    [volume] => -1
    [repeat] => 0
    [random] => 0
    [single] => 0
    [consume] => 0
    [playlist] => 2024
    [playlistlength] => 11
    [xfade] => 0
    [mixrampdb] => 0.000000
    [mixrampdelay] => nan
    [state] => play
    [song] => 10
    [songid] => 1599
    [time] => 944:4696
    [elapsed] => 944.414
    [bitrate] => 256
    [audio] => 44100:24:

function secs_to_h($sec)
	$hms = "";
   $hours = intval(intval($sec) / 3600);

	if ($hours > 0){
		$hms .= str_pad($hours, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT). ':';

    $minutes = intval(($sec / 60) % 60);
    $hms .= str_pad($minutes, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT). ':';

    $seconds = intval($sec % 60);
    $hms .= str_pad($seconds, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);

    return $hms;

die Steuerung des Players:

0 = Prev
1 = Play
2 = Pause
3 = Stop
4 = Next

$cmd = array("previous","play","pause","stop","next");


function includeScript($scriptID)
{ $s = IPS_GetScript($scriptID);

includeScript(27041 /*[Multimedia\mpd\MPD\mpd_class]*/ );

$mpd = new mpd("hs",6600, NULL, false);

$mpd->SendCommand($cmd[$IPS_VALUE], NULL, NULL);



function includeScript($scriptID)
{ $s = IPS_GetScript($scriptID);

//$IPS_VALUE = 50;

includeScript(27041 /*[Multimedia\mpd\MPD\mpd_class]*/ );

$mpd = new mpd("hs",6600, NULL,false);

$status = $mpd->GetStatus();

if(array_key_exists('time', $status))
	$time = explode(":", $status['time']);
	if ($time[1] > 0)
		$mpd->SeekTo((int)($time[1] / 100 * $IPS_VALUE), -1);



einmal die minute die Playlist holen:

poll for new playlists every now and then...

function includeScript($scriptID)
{ $s = IPS_GetScript($scriptID);

includeScript(27041 /*[Multimedia\mpd\MPD\mpd_class]*/ );

$mpd = new mpd("hs",6600, NULL,false);

$playlists = $mpd->GetDir();

IPS_SetVariableProfileValues ( "myPlaylistFiles" , 0 , count($playlists['playlists']) -1 , 1 );

for ($n=0; $n < count($playlists['playlists']); $n++)
	IPS_SetVariableProfileAssociation ( "myPlaylistFiles" , $n ,$playlists['playlists'][$n] , "" , 0 );



file aus Playlist spielen:

function includeScript($scriptID)
{ $s = IPS_GetScript($scriptID);

includeScript(27041 /*[Multimedia\mpd\MPD\mpd_class]*/ );

$mpd = new mpd("hs",6600, NULL,false);

$mpd->SendCommand("play " .$IPS_VALUE, NULL, NULL);


PulseAudio Status holen (braucht noch Kosmetik):

( dazu in /etc/pulse/ noch folgende Zeile hinzufuegen:
load-module module-cli-protocol-tcp port=9999
das aktiviert das cli (command line interface) auf port 9999)


$service_port = 9999 ;
$address = gethostbyname('carport');

/* Einen TCP/IP-Socket erzeugen. */
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
if ($socket === false) {
    echo "socket_create() fehlgeschlagen: Grund: " . socket_strerror(socket_last_error()) . "
} else {
//    echo "OK.

//echo "Versuche, zu '$address' auf Port '$service_port' zu verbinden ...";

$result = socket_connect($socket, $address, $service_port);
if ($result === false) {
    echo "socket_connect() fehlgeschlagen.
Grund: ($result) " . socket_strerror(socket_last_error($socket)) . "
} else {
//    echo "OK.

$in = "list-sinks
//$out = '';

//echo "request senden ...";
socket_write($socket, $in, strlen($in));

$out = socket_read($socket, 8192);
//echo $out;

//echo "Socket schließen ...";
//echo "OK.


$vol_str_start = strpos($out, "volume: 0:") +11;
$volume = trim(substr($out, $vol_str_start, 3));
echo $volume;

$mute_str_start = strpos($out, "muted: ") + 7;
$mute = trim(substr($out, $mute_str_start, 3));
echo "
 mute: " .$mute;

SetValue(25827 /*[Carport\Verstärker\Werkstatt\Volume]*/ , $volume);
setvalue(43435 /*[Carport\Verstärker\Werkstatt\Mute]*/ , ($mute == "no") ? false : true);

Volume setzen:

$service_port = 9999 ; 
$address = gethostbyname('carport');

/* Einen TCP/IP-Socket erzeugen. */
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
if ($socket === false)
    echo "socket_create() fehlgeschlagen: Grund: " . socket_strerror(socket_last_error()) . "
    //echo "OK.

//echo "Versuche, zu '$address' auf Port '$service_port' zu verbinden ...";
$result = socket_connect($socket, $address, $service_port);
if ($result === false)
	echo "socket_connect() fehlgeschlagen.
Grund: ($result) " . socket_strerror(socket_last_error($socket)) . "
	//  echo "OK.

$vol = (int)($IPS_VALUE * 656);
$in = "set-sink-volume 0 " .$vol ."

//echo "request senden ...";
socket_write($socket, $in, strlen($in));

IPS_RunScript(44136 /*[Carport\Verstärker\Werkstatt\GetState]*/ );


Mute setzen:

$service_port = 9999 ;
$address = gethostbyname('carport');

/* Einen TCP/IP-Socket erzeugen. */
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
if ($socket === false)
    echo "socket_create() fehlgeschlagen: Grund: " . socket_strerror(socket_last_error()) . "
    //echo "OK.

//echo "Versuche, zu '$address' auf Port '$service_port' zu verbinden ...";
$result = socket_connect($socket, $address, $service_port);
if ($result === false)
	echo "socket_connect() fehlgeschlagen.
Grund: ($result) " . socket_strerror(socket_last_error($socket)) . "
	//  echo "OK.

$in = "set-sink-mute 0 " .(($IPS_VALUE == True) ? "1":"0") ."

//echo "request senden ...";
socket_write($socket, $in, strlen($in));

IPS_RunScript(44136 /*[Carport\Verstärker\Werkstatt\GetState]*/ );


das sollte auch mal ne Klasse werden…

pulseaudio conf files auf dem PI (debian)

pi@pimedia ~ $ cat /etc/pulse/ 
#!/usr/bin/pulseaudio -nF
# This file is part of PulseAudio.
# PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with PulseAudio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.

# This startup script is used only if PulseAudio is started per-user
# (i.e. not in system mode)


### Load something into the sample cache
#load-sample-lazy x11-bell /usr/share/sounds/gtk-events/activate.wav
#load-sample-lazy pulse-hotplug /usr/share/sounds/startup3.wav
#load-sample-lazy pulse-coldplug /usr/share/sounds/startup3.wav
#load-sample-lazy pulse-access /usr/share/sounds/generic.wav


### Automatically restore the volume of streams and devices
load-module module-device-restore
load-module module-stream-restore
load-module module-card-restore

### Automatically augment property information from .desktop files
### stored in /usr/share/application
load-module module-augment-properties

### Load audio drivers statically
### (it's probably better to not load these drivers manually, but instead
### use module-udev-detect -- see below -- for doing this automatically)
#load-module module-alsa-sink
#load-module module-alsa-source device=hw:1,0
#load-module module-oss device="/dev/dsp" sink_name=output source_name=input
#load-module module-oss-mmap device="/dev/dsp" sink_name=output source_name=input
#load-module module-null-sink
#load-module module-pipe-sink

### Automatically load driver modules depending on the hardware available
load-module module-udev-detect
### Use the static hardware detection module (for systems that lack udev/hal support)
load-module module-detect

### Automatically connect sink and source if JACK server is present
load-module module-jackdbus-detect

### Automatically load driver modules for Bluetooth hardware
load-module module-bluetooth-discover

### Load several protocols
load-module module-esound-protocol-unix
load-module module-native-protocol-unix

### Network access (may be configured with paprefs, so leave this commented
### here if you plan to use paprefs)
#load-module module-esound-protocol-tcp
#load-module module-native-protocol-tcp
#load-module module-zeroconf-publish

### Load the RTP receiver module (also configured via paprefs, see above)
#load-module module-rtp-recv
load-module module-rtp-recv sap_address=""

### Load the RTP sender module (also configured via paprefs, see above)
#load-module module-null-sink sink_name=rtp format=s16be channels=2 rate=44100 sink_properties="device.description='RTP Multicast Sink'"
#load-module module-rtp-send source=rtp.monitor

### Load additional modules from GConf settings. This can be configured with the paprefs tool.
### Please keep in mind that the modules configured by paprefs might conflict with manually
### loaded modules.
load-module module-gconf

### Automatically restore the default sink/source when changed by the user
### during runtime
### NOTE: This should be loaded as early as possible so that subsequent modules
### that look up the default sink/source get the right value
load-module module-default-device-restore

### Automatically move streams to the default sink if the sink they are
### connected to dies, similar for sources
load-module module-rescue-streams

### Make sure we always have a sink around, even if it is a null sink.
load-module module-always-sink

### Honour intended role device property
load-module module-intended-roles

### Automatically suspend sinks/sources that become idle for too long
load-module module-suspend-on-idle

### If autoexit on idle is enabled we want to make sure we only quit
### when no local session needs us anymore.
load-module module-console-kit
load-module module-systemd-login

### Enable positioned event sounds
load-module module-position-event-sounds

### Cork music/video streams when a phone stream is active
load-module module-role-cork

### Modules to allow autoloading of filters (such as echo cancellation)
### on demand. module-filter-heuristics tries to determine what filters
### make sense, and module-filter-apply does the heavy-lifting of
### loading modules and rerouting streams.
load-module module-filter-heuristics
load-module module-filter-apply

### Load DBus protocol
load-module module-dbus-protocol

# X11 modules should not be started from so that one daemon
# can be shared by multiple sessions.

### Load X11 bell module
#load-module module-x11-bell sample=bell-windowing-system

### Register ourselves in the X11 session manager
#load-module module-x11-xsmp

### Publish connection data in the X11 root window
#load-module module-x11-publish

load-module module-switch-on-port-available

### Make some devices default
#set-default-sink output
#set-default-source input

load-module module-cli-protocol-tcp port=9999

wichtig ist diese Zeile:

load-module module-rtp-recv sap_address=""

dies schaltet den Empfang von RTP stream ein. Ich verwende eine nicht default sap_address, da ansonsten mein Switch kein IGMP Snooping gemacht hat (multicast von nichtgenutzen Ports fernhalten)

$ cat /etc/pulse/daemon.conf 
# This file is part of PulseAudio.
# PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with PulseAudio; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
# USA.

## Configuration file for the PulseAudio daemon. See pulse-daemon.conf(5) for
## more information. Default values are commented out.  Use either ; or # for
## commenting.

; daemonize = no
; fail = yes
; allow-module-loading = yes
; allow-exit = yes
; use-pid-file = yes
; system-instance = no
; local-server-type = user
; enable-shm = yes
; shm-size-bytes = 0 # setting this 0 will use the system-default, usually 64 MiB
; lock-memory = no
; cpu-limit = no

; high-priority = yes
; nice-level = -11

; realtime-scheduling = yes
; realtime-priority = 5

; exit-idle-time = 20
; scache-idle-time = 20

; dl-search-path = (depends on architecture)

; load-default-script-file = yes
; default-script-file = /etc/pulse/

; log-target = auto
; log-level = notice
; log-meta = no
; log-time = no
; log-backtrace = 0

resample-method = speex-fixed-3
; enable-remixing = yes
; enable-lfe-remixing = no

; flat-volumes = yes

; rlimit-fsize = -1
; rlimit-data = -1
; rlimit-stack = -1
; rlimit-core = -1
; rlimit-as = -1
; rlimit-rss = -1
; rlimit-nproc = -1
; rlimit-nofile = 256
; rlimit-memlock = -1
; rlimit-locks = -1
; rlimit-sigpending = -1
; rlimit-msgqueue = -1
; rlimit-nice = 31
; rlimit-rtprio = 9
; rlimit-rttime = 1000000

; default-sample-format = s16le
; default-sample-rate = 44100
; alternate-sample-rate = 48000
; default-sample-channels = 2
; default-channel-map = front-left,front-right

; default-fragments = 4
; default-fragment-size-msec = 25

; enable-deferred-volume = yes
; deferred-volume-safety-margin-usec = 8000
; deferred-volume-extra-delay-usec = 0

hier wichtig:

resample-method = speex-fixed-3

mit einer anderen resample-method kommt der PI nicht klar.

die Server conf:

$ cat /etc/pulse/
#!/usr/bin/pulseaudio -nF
# This file is part of PulseAudio.
# PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with PulseAudio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.

# This startup script is used only if PulseAudio is started per-user
# (i.e. not in system mode)


### Load something into the sample cache
#load-sample-lazy x11-bell /usr/share/sounds/gtk-events/activate.wav
#load-sample-lazy pulse-hotplug /usr/share/sounds/startup3.wav
#load-sample-lazy pulse-coldplug /usr/share/sounds/startup3.wav
#load-sample-lazy pulse-access /usr/share/sounds/generic.wav


### Automatically restore the volume of streams and devices
load-module module-device-restore
load-module module-stream-restore
load-module module-card-restore

### Automatically augment property information from .desktop files
### stored in /usr/share/application
load-module module-augment-properties

### Load audio drivers statically
### (it's probably better to not load these drivers manually, but instead
### use module-udev-detect -- see below -- for doing this automatically)
#load-module module-alsa-sink
#load-module module-alsa-source device=hw:1,0
#load-module module-oss device="/dev/dsp" sink_name=output source_name=input
#load-module module-oss-mmap device="/dev/dsp" sink_name=output source_name=input
#load-module module-null-sink
#load-module module-pipe-sink

### Automatically load driver modules depending on the hardware available
load-module module-udev-detect
### Use the static hardware detection module (for systems that lack udev/hal support)
load-module module-detect

### Automatically connect sink and source if JACK server is present
load-module module-jackdbus-detect

### Automatically load driver modules for Bluetooth hardware
load-module module-bluetooth-discover

### Load several protocols
load-module module-esound-protocol-unix
load-module module-native-protocol-unix

### Network access (may be configured with paprefs, so leave this commented
### here if you plan to use paprefs)
#load-module module-esound-protocol-tcp
#load-module module-native-protocol-tcp
#load-module module-zeroconf-publish

### Load the RTP receiver module (also configured via paprefs, see above)
#load-module module-rtp-recv

### Load the RTP sender module (also configured via paprefs, see above)
load-module module-null-sink sink_name=rtp format=s16be channels=2 rate=44100 sink_properties="device.description='RTP Multicast Sink'"
load-module module-rtp-send source=rtp.monitor destination=""

### Load additional modules from GConf settings. This can be configured with the paprefs tool.
### Please keep in mind that the modules configured by paprefs might conflict with manually
### loaded modules.
load-module module-gconf

### Automatically restore the default sink/source when changed by the user
### during runtime
### NOTE: This should be loaded as early as possible so that subsequent modules
### that look up the default sink/source get the right value
load-module module-default-device-restore

### Automatically move streams to the default sink if the sink they are
### connected to dies, similar for sources
load-module module-rescue-streams

### Make sure we always have a sink around, even if it is a null sink.
load-module module-always-sink

### Honour intended role device property
load-module module-intended-roles

### Automatically suspend sinks/sources that become idle for too long
load-module module-suspend-on-idle

### If autoexit on idle is enabled we want to make sure we only quit
### when no local session needs us anymore.
load-module module-console-kit
load-module module-systemd-login

### Enable positioned event sounds
load-module module-position-event-sounds

### Cork music/video streams when a phone stream is active
#load-module module-role-cork

### Modules to allow autoloading of filters (such as echo cancellation)
### on demand. module-filter-heuristics tries to determine what filters
### make sense, and module-filter-apply does the heavy-lifting of
### loading modules and rerouting streams.
load-module module-filter-heuristics
load-module module-filter-apply

### Load DBus protocol
#load-module module-dbus-protocol

# X11 modules should not be started from so that one daemon
# can be shared by multiple sessions.

### Load X11 bell module
#load-module module-x11-bell sample=bell-windowing-system

### Register ourselves in the X11 session manager
#load-module module-x11-xsmp

### Publish connection data in the X11 root window
#load-module module-x11-publish

load-module module-switch-on-port-available

### Make some devices default
#set-default-sink output
#set-default-source input

hier wichtig:

load-module module-rtp-send source=rtp.monitor destination=""

das schaltet RTP Streaming ein und definiert die multicast Adresse.

Da ich leider gerade beruflich unterwegs bin, kann ich leider keine komplett Installation durchspielen.
Ich werde aber versuchen bei Fragen Hilfestellung zu geben.

Da sich ja doch ein paar Leute für das Thema interessieren, koennte man drueber nachdenken mal ein ready-to-listen sd-card image zu basteln.

Gruss, Michael

Jaa, unbedingt, ein Ready to hören Image, Jaa, dann bekommt das Teil mal eine nützliche Aufgabe :wink:
sd-card image

Danke und Gruß, Helmut

hey klasse :smiley:

dann kann ich mir das zusammengetippe auch sparen …
wir haben das sehr ähnlich gebaut :smiley: