Anwesenheitskontrolle: Unitymedia Router (Connect Box) -> IP Tabelle auslesen

Hey zusammen.

Weil ich nach Jahren einen neuen Router bekommen habe, musste ich mein Router-Parsing-Script überarbeiten.

Damit ist es möglich die am Router angemeldeten Geräte samt IP & MAC Adresse abzurufen.
Darüber lässt sich dann z.B. abgleichen ob Personen (bzw. deren SmartPhones) anwesend sind.

Da es bei der weißen Connect Box etwas komplizierter war an die Liste zu kommen, möchte ich das Script / die PHP Klasse mit euch teilen, vielleicht bringts ja jemandem was… :slight_smile:
Spart auf jedenfall Strom / Energie (Wenn das Haus automatisch merkt das keiner mehr da ist und alle vergessenen Lampen ausschaltet / Heizungen runter regelt.)


class UnitimediaRouter { 
    /// you can do your setup here, or pass the configs on the go (as done in the example) 
    var $ip = '';  
    var $psw = ''; 
    var $debug = false; 
    var $lastToken = false; 
    var $sid = false; 
    var $userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.77 Safari/537.36'; 

    // Construct: Pass ID and perform StartAction 
    function __construct($ip = false){ 
        if ($ip){ 
            $this->ip = $ip; 

    // Helper for performing CURL requests 
    function httpRequest($url, $post = false, $header = false){ 
        $ch = curl_init('http://' . $this->ip.$url); 
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); 
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true); 
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); 
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, true); 

        // Header 
        if ($header){ 
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header); 

        // Post 
        if ($post){ 
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);     
            curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($post));     

        $result = curl_exec($ch);     
        $info = curl_getinfo($ch); 

        // get Response Header & Body 
        $responseHeader = substr($result, 0, $info['header_size']-1); 
        $body = substr($result, $info['header_size']); 

        // Get Cookies from Response Header 
        preg_match_all('/^Set-Cookie:\s*([^;]*)/mi', $responseHeader, $matches); 
        $cookies = array(); 
        foreach($matches[1] as $item) { 
            parse_str($item, $cookie); 
            $cookies = array_merge($cookies, $cookie); 

        $resultFull = array( 
            'info' => $info, 
            'header' => $responseHeader, 
            'body' => $body, 
            'cookies' => $cookies, 
            'result' => $result 

        if ($this->debug){ 
        return $resultFull; 

    // helper to transform a XML String to an assoc array 
    static function xmlToArray($sXML){ 
        $oXml = simplexml_load_string($sXML); 
        $json = json_encode($oXml); 
        return json_decode($json,TRUE);         

    // helper to prepare an AJAX Call 
    function headerForAjaxCall(){ 
        return array( 
            'Accept: application/xml, text/xml, */*; q=0.01', 
            'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', 
            'Cookie: ' . ($this->sid ? $this->sid.';' : '') . 'sessionToken=' . $this->lastToken, // Add SID (if available - after login) AND Token 
            'User-Agent: '.$this->userAgent, 
            'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' 

    // every call changes the "sessionToken" which is needed for the next call 
    function updateToken($result){ 
        if (isset($result['cookies']['sessionToken'])){ 
            $token = $result['cookies']['sessionToken']; 
            if ($token){ 
                $this->lastToken = $token; 
                return true; 
        return false; 

    // ACTIONS 
    // First thing to do:  
    // Call login page to get a token to start with 
    function start(){         
        // header 
        $header = array( 
            'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8', 
            'User-Agent: '.$this->userAgent, 

        // perform request 
        $result = $this->httpRequest('/common_page/login.html', false , $header); 

        // Update Token (changes every time) 
        return $this->updateToken($result); 

    // Second: 
    // Login with password to get a SID aswell 
    function login($psw = false){ 
        if ($psw === false){ 
            $psw = $this->psw; // use default settings 
        // Post Data 
        $post = array( 
            'token' => $this->lastToken, 
            'fun' => 15, // function 15 => login 
            'Username' => 'NULL', 
            'Password' => $psw 
        // header 
        $header = $this->headerForAjaxCall(); 

        // perform request 
        $result = $this->httpRequest('/xml/setter.xml', $post, $header); 

        // Update Token (changes every time) 
        if (!$this->updateToken($result)){ 
            return false; 

        // Valid response? 
        if ($result['info']['http_code'] != 200 || !$result['body'] ){ 
            return false; 
        // Get Information (SID!) from response body 
        $responseData = explode(';',$result['body']); 
        if ($responseData[0] != 'successful'){ // Is either "successful" or "useridwrong" (or something like that) 
            return false; 
        $this->sid = $responseData[1]; // save SID 
        return true; 

    // last action: Logout (optional - but without it the router's webconsole is locked for other IPs (e.g. your browser) for some time) 
    function logout(){ 
        // Post Data 
        $post = array( 
            'token' => $this->lastToken, 
            'fun' => 16 // function 16 => logout 
        // header 
        $header = $this->headerForAjaxCall(); 

        // perform request 
        $result = $this->httpRequest('/xml/setter.xml', $post, $header);         

        // Update Token (changes every time) 
        if (!$this->updateToken($result)){ 
            return false; 

        return true; 
    // Get Connection Table as XML String (Login needed!) 
    function getConnectionTableXML(){ 
        // Post Data 
        $post = array( 
            'token' => $this->lastToken, 
            'fun' => 123 // function 123 => get IP Table 
        // header 
        $header = $this->headerForAjaxCall(); 

        // perform request 
        $result = $this->httpRequest('/xml/getter.xml', $post, $header); 

        // Update Token (changes every time) 
        if (!$this->updateToken($result)){ 
            return false; 

        // Valid response? 
        if ($result['info']['http_code'] != 200 || !$result['body']){ 
            return false; 

        // get XML from responseBody 
        $xml = trim($result['body']); 
        return $xml; 

// Usage Example 

$oRouter = new UnitimediaRouter(''); 
// $oRouter->debug = true; 
if ($oRouter->start() == false){ 
    die('Error Start'); // e.g. Console is locked by an other user 
if ($oRouter->login('MyPassword')){
    // get the table 
    $sXML = $oRouter->getConnectionTableXML(); 
    if ($sXML){ 
        // use the helper to get an array from XML String (you could also work with SimpleXML / DomXML ;) 
        $myConnections = UnitimediaRouter::xmlToArray($sXML); 
    // you should log out to free the web-console 
} else { 
    die('Error Login'); // e.g. Password is wrong 

Das funktioniert viel schneller und zuverlässiger als beispielsweise nmap/pings da wirklich alle angemeldeten Geräte aufgelistet werden. Beim Pingen war das anders: Android im Standby z.B. antwortet (bei mir) nicht auf Pings.

Viel Spaß damit.

