InstanzID ermitteln

Hallo zusammen,

da ich momentan an einer Client-Server-Lösung bastel und dafür die OLE-Schnittstelle nutze, stand ich vor dem Problem, dass ich die InstanzID anhand der Status-Variablen ermitteln musste (für FS20SwitchMode). Da ich noch nicht so fit in PHP bin, hab ich mich mal ein bißchen im Netz umgeschaut und folgendes ist dabei rausgekommen:

 IP-SYMCON Event Scripting
File     : Get_InstanceID.ips.php
Trigger  :
Interval :
$Variable = "test1";    /*Gesuchte Variable*/
$Value = true;          /*Gewünschter Schaltzustand*/

$FS20TX_Instances = array();
$FS20TX_Instances = IPS_GetInstanceIDsByGUID("{48FCFDC1-11A5-4309-BB0B-A0DB8042A969}");
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($FS20TX_Instances); $i++) {
   $xml = xmlize(IPS_GetInstanceSettings($FS20TX_Instances[$i]));
   $ID = $xml["ID"]["#"]["Settings"];
   $StatusVariable = $ID[0]["#"]["StatusVariable"][0]["@"]["Value"];
   if ($StatusVariable == $Variable) {
      FS20_SwitchMode($FS20TX_Instances[$i], $Value);

/* xmlize() is by Hans Anderson,
 * Ye Ole "Feel Free To Use it However" License [PHP, BSD, GPL].
 * some code in xml_depth is based on code written by other PHPers
 * as well as one Perl script.  Poor programming practice and organization
 * on my part is to blame for the credit these people aren't receiving.
 * None of the code was copyrighted, though.
 * This is a stable release, 1.0.  I don't foresee any changes, but you
 * might check to see
 * usage: $xml = xmlize($array);
 * See the function traverse_xmlize() for information about the
 * structure of the array, it's much easier to explain by showing you.
 * Be aware that the array is somewhat tricky.  I use xmlize all the time,
 * but still need to use traverse_xmlize quite often to show me the structure!


	> attached is the modified script. Basically it has a new optional parameter
	> to specify an OUTPUT encoding. If not specified, it defaults to UTF-8.
	> I recommend you to read this PHP bug. There you can see how PHP4, PHP5.0.0
	> and PHP5.0.2 will handle this.
	> Ciao, Eloy :-)

function xmlize($data, $WHITE=1, $encoding='UTF-8') {

    $data = trim($data);
    $vals = $index = $array = array();
    $parser = xml_parser_create($encoding);
    xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
    xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, $WHITE);
    xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $data, $vals, $index);

    $i = 0;

    $tagname = $vals[$i]['tag'];
    if ( isset ($vals[$i]['attributes'] ) )
        $array[$tagname]['@'] = $vals[$i]['attributes'];
    } else {
        $array[$tagname]['@'] = array();

    $array[$tagname]["#"] = xml_depth($vals, $i);

    return $array;

 * You don't need to do anything with this function, it's called by
 * xmlize.  It's a recursive function, calling itself as it goes deeper
 * into the xml levels.  If you make any improvements, please let me know.

function xml_depth($vals, &$i) {
    $children = array();

    if ( isset($vals[$i]['value']) )
        array_push($children, $vals[$i]['value']);

    while (++$i < count($vals)) {

        switch ($vals[$i]['type']) {

           case 'open':

                if ( isset ( $vals[$i]['tag'] ) )
                    $tagname = $vals[$i]['tag'];
                } else {
                    $tagname = '';

                if ( isset ( $children[$tagname] ) )
                    $size = sizeof($children[$tagname]);
                } else {
                    $size = 0;

                if ( isset ( $vals[$i]['attributes'] ) ) {
                    $children[$tagname][$size]['@'] = $vals[$i]["attributes"];


                $children[$tagname][$size]['#'] = xml_depth($vals, $i);


            case 'cdata':
                array_push($children, $vals[$i]['value']);

            case 'complete':
                $tagname = $vals[$i]['tag'];

                if( isset ($children[$tagname]) )
                    $size = sizeof($children[$tagname]);
                } else {
                    $size = 0;

                if( isset ( $vals[$i]['value'] ) )
                    $children[$tagname][$size]["#"] = $vals[$i]['value'];
                } else {
                    $children[$tagname][$size]["#"] = '';

                if ( isset ($vals[$i]['attributes']) ) {
                                             = $vals[$i]['attributes'];


            case 'close':
                return $children;


        return $children;


/* function by, a HUGE help!
 * this helps you understand the structure of the array xmlize() outputs
 * usage:
 * traverse_xmlize($xml, 'xml_');
 * print '<pre>' . implode("", $traverse_array . '</pre>';

function traverse_xmlize($array, $arrName = "array", $level = 0) {

    foreach($array as $key=>$val)
        if ( is_array($val) )
            traverse_xmlize($val, $arrName . "[" . $key . "]", $level + 1);
        } else {
            $GLOBALS['traverse_array'][] = '$' . $arrName . '[' . $key . '] = "' . $val . "\"

    return 1;



Eventuell hilft es ja manchen weiter, ich bin nun happy. :smiley:


warum so weit schweifen, das findest Du alles im WIIPS, musste nur mal etwas genauer reinschauen.

Gruss Torro

Hallo Torro,

Danke für die Info, aber ich muss doch von einer externen Anwendung auf IPS zugreifen (OLE). Oder bietet mir WIIPS dafür auch Möglichkeiten an?


ich meinte die Routinen dazu, zum Beispiel den zu IPS passenden XML Parser als Klasse…

Gruss Torro