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Weather (DWD)

The weather element allows displaying the weather forecast of the German Weather Service for Germany and the individual federal states in text and image.

Weather (DWD)

The navigation bar is located in the upper area. If the property "Region" is set, you can switch between the weather report for Germany and the selected state. In addition, the forecast period can be changed between today, tomorrow, 3rd day and 4th day.

Forecast Area

In the forecast area, the forecast text is shown on the right and an appropriate weather map on the left.


  • Title: Title for the item in the TabPane navigation. By default, "Weather" will be displayed.
  • Icon: Icon that appears next to the title in the TabPane navigation. By default, no icon will be displayed.
  • Region: Optionally, a federal state can be selected here, its weather forecast can be displayed instead of the Germany-wide forecast in the navigation bar.
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