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Energy Counter Pulse

Require: IP-Symcon >= 4.2

The module calculates the instantaneous and cumulative power consumption via an electricity meter (e.g. S0 connection).

Function scope

  • Calculates the instantaneous power consumption in watts and the total power consumption in kWh.
  • Adjustability of the pulses of the counting device.
  • Adjustability of interval frequency in seconds for recalculation of consumption

software installation

  • Install the 'Energy Counter Pulse' module via the Module Store.

Setting up instances in IP-Symcon

  • Under "Add Instance", the 'Energy Counter Pulse' module can be found using the quick filter.
  • More information about adding instances in the Instances documentation

Configuration Page:

Name Description
Source Source variable (pulse counter) to be used for the calculation.
Pulses How many pulses the device sends per kilowatt. This must be taken from the respective operating manual of the device.
Interval In which seconds interval the device should recalculate automatically. (Note: Intervals that are set too short (faster than incoming pulses), can lead to strong fluctuations in the indication of the current consumption. It has no influence on the calculated total consumption. => Recommendation: min. 300 seconds)


The status variables/categories are created automatically. Deleting individual ones can lead to malfunctions.


Name Type Description
Current Float Specification in W
Counter Float Specification in kWh
Last Value (Temporary) Float Auxiliary variable for last value. Required for difference calculation.
Any questions?