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Consumption per Category

Require: IP-Symcon >= 6.3

Calculates consumption in percent per freely selectable category according to specified start and end dates. The calculation is based on daily aggregation.

function scope

  • Selection of multiple variables
  • Free text for category

software installation

  • Install the 'Consumption per category' module via the Module Store.

Instance setup in IP-Symcon

Under 'Add instance' the 'Consumption per category' module can be found using the quick filter.

Configuration page:

Name Description
Interval Interval in which the calculation is executed. 0 = Disabled
Sources List of variables and categories

status variables

The status variables/categories are created automatically. Deleting individual ones can lead to malfunctions.

Status variables

Name Type Description
Category Float A variable is created per category, in which the percentage consumption is displayed. The category name is internally reduced to A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and _ (underscore). This means that the category "Test" and "Test €" will also be categorized to "Test".
Start time Integer Date from when the calculation should start
End time Integer Date until when the calculation should go
Any questions?