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Operating Hours Counter

Require: IP-Symcon >= 5.2

With the help of the operating hours counter module, the operating time of a device can be determined and displayed.

Function scope

  • Displaying the hours a device is active
  • Adding the device by a Boolean type variable
  • Displaying the costs for the current period, the last period and prediction for the end of the period
  • Possibility to calculate the costs with a dynamic price

software installation

Through the Module Store install the 'Operating Hours Counter' module.

Setting up instances in IP-Symcon

  • Under 'Add Instance' the 'Operating Hours Counter' module can be found using the quick filter.

configuration page

Name Description
Active Determines if the invoice is updated based on the set interval
Source The Boolean type variable that indicates the activity status of a device, where true is considered active. To calculate the operating hours this variable must be logged
Level The level specifies the start of the period that is considered (start of day, week, month, year) as well as the aggregation level
Update interval The interval in minutes in which the operating time is recalculated
Cost calculation Defines if the cost calculation will be executed
Price type Option whether the price is fixed or dynamically calculated by a variable
Price The price which is calculated per operating hour
Calculate Calculates the operating time with all specified parameters

If the option "Dynamic" is set in the price type, a logged variable is required which contains the cost price.

status variables and profiles

The status variables/categories are created automatically. Deleting individual ones can lead to malfunctions.


Name Type Description
Operating hours float The calculated operating hours of the source variable in the selected period
Cost of the current period float The calculated cost of the current period
Cost of the last period float The calculated cost of the last completed period
Prediction at the end of the period float Prediction of the costs at the end of the current period


name type
BSZ.OperatingHours float


The WebFront displays the operating hours.

Any questions?