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Variable Profiles

IPS_CreateVariableProfilecreates a variable profile
IPS_DeleteVariableProfiledeletes a variable profile
IPS_GetVariableProfilereturns extensive information about a variable profile
IPS_GetVariableProfileListreturns a list of all existing variable profiles
IPS_GetVariableProfileListByTypereturns a list of all existing variable profiles of a specific type
IPS_SetVariableProfileAssociationmodifies the association table of a variable profile
IPS_SetVariableProfileDigitssets the digits of a variable profile
IPS_SetVariableProfileIconsets the icon for a variable profile
IPS_SetVariableProfileTextsets prefix and suffix for a variable profile
IPS_SetVariableProfileValuessets the minimal value, maximal value, and stepsize of a variable profile
IPS_VariableProfileExistschecks if a variable profile exists
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