Skin Control
Require: IP-Symcon >= 4.0
The "Skin Control" module offers the possibility to integrate individual skins or those provided by other users.
Integration in IP-Symcon
In the "Modules" instance ("Logical tree view"->"Core instances"), a Git repository link can be entered via "Add". Here, the skin is then installed and is immediately available.

The "Check for updates" button checks whether an update for already added skins is available. If an update is possible, the respective skin can be updated via the displayed update button. If a skin is up to date, a green tick is displayed instead.
Choose login skin
Separate to the respective WebFront skins, which are selected in the respective WebFront configurator, the skin of the login area of the WebFront can also be changed. This can be set via selection in the skin control.
Develop individual skins
Information on developing individual skins can be found here:
SDK for Skins
The following skins are maintained and provided by us:
- DarkSkin:
- LightSkin: