Module Reference
In the Module Reference, natively supported modules are shown. In the corresponding module references, tutorials, examples, and Tips & Tricks for the respective system.
Furthermore, the module specific commands are listed.
Functions for accessing 1-Wire components
DS2405 | 1-fach Switch |
OW_SwitchMode | Sets the state of the device with the ID __InstanceID__ to value __Status__. | OW_ToggleMode | Changes the state of the device with the ID __InstanceID__. The current value can be queried in the state variable after the operation.
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DS2406 | 2-fach Switch |
OW_SetPin | Sets the state of the device with the ID __InstanceID__ to value __Status__ |
DS2408 | 8-fach Switch |
OW_SetPin | sets a pin from the DS2408 to on/ off | OW_SetPort | Sets the state of all eight pins on the value of __Bitmask__ of the device with ID __InstanceID__ | OW_SetStrobe | Makes it possible to put the RSTZ-pin of DS2408 of the device with ID __InstanzID__ to value __Status__ | OW_WriteBytes | Sets a sequence of bytes (__Data__) from all pins of the device with the ID __InstanceID__. | OW_WriteBytesMasked | Sets a sequence of bytes (__Data__) taking into account a bitmask __Mask__ from all pins of the device with the ID __InstanceID__. |
DS2413 | 2-fach Switch |
OW_SetPin | Sets the state of the pin __Pin__ of the device with the ID __InstanceID__ to value __Status__ |
DS2438 | Smart Battery Monitor |
DS2450 | A/D-Wandler 16bit |
OW_SetPin | Sets the state of the pin __Pin__ of the device with the ID __InstanceID__ to value __Status__ |
DS2890 | Digital-Potentiometer 8 bit |
OW_SetPosition | Sets the device with the ID __InstanceID__ to value __Value__ |
Device List | Device list 1-Wire |
OW_RequestStatus | Executes a new read for the device with the ID __InstanceID__. |
Setup of ABL devices
Overview of all active variables in the Visualization
AL_SwitchOff | Switches all active variables in the list to inactive. |
Triggers an alarm when one of the sensor variables becomes active.
ARM_GetLastAlertID | Returns the ID of the variable that last triggered an alarm. |
ARM_SetActive | Switches the alarming module with the InstanceID __InstanceID__ to the value __Value__ (true = On; false = Off). |
ARM_SetAlert | Switches the alarm with the InstanceID __InstanceID__ to the value __Value__ (true = On; false = Off). |
Alfen device setup
Funktionen zur Ansteuerung von ALLNET Komponenten
Module to connect Amazon Alexa
Simulate presence via logged values
Efficiency calculation
Funktionen zur Verwaltung des Datenloggings
Creates a backup via SFTP, FTP or FTPS
Functions for controlling BACnet components
Enables multi-level notification, with the level increasing after a defined time and resetting when acknowledged.
Determines and displays the operating time of a device
BSZ_Calculate | The operating hours variable is set to the calculated value |
The module copies an image when triggered by a selected variable.
BA_AddImage | Copies the current source image to the "Images" category of the "ImageArchive" module with the InstanceID. |
Calendar module
Connection module used to enable a secure connection from the outside
Exports aggregated values of a variable as a CSV file in a ZIP archive
CSV_DeleteZip | Removes the generated file. |
CSV_Export | Creates a zip archive based on the given parameters. |
CSV_SendMail | Sends a mail through an SMTP instance with a generated zip file |
Functions for controlling digitalSTROM components
Functions for controlling DMX components
DMX_FadeChannel | Dims the __Channel__ of the device with ID __InstanceID to __Value__ with a certain __FadeTime__ |
DMX_FadeChannelDelayed | Dims the __Channel__ of the device with ID __InstanceID to __Value__ with a certain __FadeTime__. You can specify a __DelayTime__ after which the dimming starts. |
DMX_FadeRGB | dims the RGB channel with a fade time |
DMX_FadeRGBDelayed | dims the RGB channel with a fade time |
DMX_RequestInfo | Queries the information of a DMX instance |
DMX_ResetInterface | Sets the DMX interface back with the ID __InstanceID__. It is recommended that in case of problems, create a script with this command and declare it as startup script.
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DMX_SetBlackout | Sets all channels of DMX interfaces with ID __InstanceID__ to value __ Status__. |
DMX_SetChannel | Switches the channel from the device with the ID __InstanceID__ to value __Wert__ |
DMX_SetRGB | sets the RGB channel to a certain value |
Device list | Device list DMX |
manages established Bonjour services
Platzhalter Modul zur Darstellung als Instanz im Visualization
The 'Announcement' Module provides the ability to play audio generated by AWS Polly through Sonos or Media Player.
DS_Play | Plays the text as an announcement. |
Sends an e-mail with a dynamic text.
Receives data from the EgiGeoZone app for Google Android.
An egg timer that runs for a certain amount of time and can be rewound at any time. Ideal for use in events and scripts.
Functions for controlling ekey components
Module, which switches the consumers on and off when energy is available.
Calculates the consumption
Energy Counter Pulse | Converts meter values to instantaneous consumption. |
EZI_Update | Updates the calculated values of the 'Energy Counter Pulse'-module with the InstanceID InstanceID. |
Energy Counter Power | Calculates instantaneous and cumulative power consumption from current/power. |
EZS_Update | Updates the calculated values of the Energy Counter Power module with the InstanceID. |
Functions for accessing EnOcean components
Module to start scripts on set events
Reports after a dead time, after a device has fallen below a certain consumption.
Funktionen zur Ansteuerung von FS20, HMS, FHT Komponenten
FHT | Funk-Heizungssystem |
FHT_SetMode | Sets the new desired mode for the FHT with ID __InstanzID__ to value __Mode__. | FHT_SetTemperature | Sets the new desired temperature for the FHT with ID __InstanzID__ to value __Temperature__. |
FS20 | FunkSystem für digitale Geräte |
FS20_DimDown | Dims the device with ID __InstanceID__ down a level. | FS20_DimUp | Dims the device with ID __InstanceID__ up a level. | FS20_SetIntensity | Dims the device with ID __InstanceID__ to value __Intensity__ in __Duration__ seconds. | FS20_SwitchDuration | Switches the device with ID __InstanceID__ to value __Status__ in __Duration__ seconds. | FS20_SwitchMode | Switches the device with ID __InstanceID__ to value __Status__. |
Device list | Device list FHZ |
HMS | HouseMessageSystem for analogue devices |
HMS_ReleaseFI | Triggers the FI over the HMS device with ID __InstanceID__. The __TriggerDelay__ parameter is specified in seconds. |
KS300 | Kombisensor Wetterstation |
Wetterstation mit Funk auf 433MHz
Module for adding GARDENA smart system devices
Receives data from the Geofency app for Apple iOS.
Module to connect Google Assistant
With the help of the 'Group Control', variables can be switched together in groups.
Funktionen zur Ansteuerung vom Heizungsmodul zur Regelung von Raumtemperaturen
HC_TargetValue | Sends via the instance with the ID __ InstanceID__ a target value to the heating module. |
Module for adding Home Connect devices
Functions for controlling HomeMatic components
Module for querying webcam images
Funktionen zum IMAP-Modul zur Abfrage von E-Mails
IMAP_DeleteMail | deletes a mail with a specific e-mail(UID) |
IMAP_GetCachedMails | The command returns an array containing information about the cached emails of an IMAP instance with ID __InstanceID__. Should the instance not exist, an alert is generated. |
IMAP_GetMailEx | This command loads an email with the UID __UID__ from the IMAP instance with ID __InstanceID__ and returns an array containing the data of the e-mail. Should the instance or an e-mail with the given UID not exist, an alert is generated. |
Functions for managing I/O Instances
Functions for controlling IPS868 components
AKM-868 | Anwesenheitskontrollmodul mitsamt Tracker |
ANA-868 | Analog-to-digital converter |
EKM-868 | Ein Energiekontrollmodul mit 4-Kanal-Zählermodul mit je 32 Bit |
PJ_RequestStatus | Queries the current values for the device with the ID __InstanceID__ and writes it to the appropriate state variables.
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FD-868 | Ein Funkdisplay mit einem 2*16-stelligen LC-Display |
Device list | Device list IPS 868 |
JKM-868 LevelJET | A reader for LevelJET level indicator |
JKM-868 ThermoJET | A reader for individual values of the ThermoJET temperature controller |
LGS-868 | Air quality sensor for room air analysis |
RGBW-868 | Steuergerät für LED-RGBW-Stripes |
PJ_DimRGBW | Sends a dimming command to the RGBW-868 controller of the ID __InstanceID__. | PJ_RunProgram | Sends a program command to the RGBW-868 controller of the ID __InstanceID__. | PJ_SetRGBW | sets a color value |
SERVO-868 | A 4-way servo control module |
WDT-868 | Ein Watch-Dog-Timer zur Überwachung des Systems |
PJ_SwitchDuration | Switches the relay from the WDT with ID __InstanceID__ to value __Status__ for __Duration__ seconds. | PJ_SwitchMode | Sends a switching command to the WDT-868 module of the ID __InstanceID__. |
Funktionen zur Ansteuerung von Infrarot Komponenten
Decodes JSON and makes the content available in variables
Exports any variable in a user-defined structure via an HTTP endpoint.
Functions to control the tile visualization on the client devices
Functions for controlling KNX components
EIB_Char | Sends a single letter |
EIB_Counter8Bit | sends an 8-bit counter value |
EIB_Counter16Bit | sends a 16bit counter value |
EIB_Counter32bit | sends a 32bit counter value |
EIB_Date | sends the date value |
EIB_DimControl | Sends a dim value date __Value__ to the device with the ID __InstanceID__. Depending on the configuration 0..15 (Standard) or -7..7 (Enhanced) can be sent. |
EIB_DimValue | Sends the dim value __Value__ to the device with the ID __InstanceID__. Depending on configuration 0..255 (Standard) or 0..100 (Percent) will be passed as the value parameter. |
EIB_DriveBladeValue | Sends the position value __Value__ to the device with the ID __InstanceID__. Depending on configuration 0..255 (Standard) or 0..100 (Percent) will be passed as the value parameter. |
EIB_DriveMove | Moving the device with ID __InstanceID__ in a particular __Direction__. Depending on configuration the movement direction can be inverted.
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EIB_DriveShutterValue | Sends the position value __Vert__ to the device with the ID __InstanceID__. Depending on configuration 0..255 (Standard) or 0..100 (Percent) will be passed as the value parameter. |
EIB_DriveStep | Moving the device __Stepwise__ with ID __InstanceID__ into a determined __Direction__. Depending on the configuration, the movement direction can be inverted. |
EIB_FloatValue | sends a float value |
EIB_Move | moves a roller shutter |
EIB_Position | moves a roller shutter to a position |
EIB_PriorityControl | sets a device state |
EIB_PriorityPosition | Sets the device with ID __InstanceID__ to a certain __Direction__. Depending on configuration the direction can be inverted. |
EIB_RequestStatus | sends a read request for EIB instances to the bus |
EIB_Scale | Sends the Value __Value__ to the device with the ID __InstanceID__. Depending on configuration 0..255 (Standard) or 0..100 (Percent) will be passed as the value parameter. |
EIB_SetRGB | sets an RGB stripe to a specific color |
EIB_SetRGBW | sets an RGBW stripe to a specific color |
EIB_Str | sends a text |
EIB_Switch | Switches the device with the ID __InstanceID__ to value __Status__ |
EIB_Time | sends a time value |
EIB_Value | Sends the value __Value__ to the device with ID __InstanceID__. |
Device list | Device list EIB/KNX |
KNX_RequestStatus | sends a read request for DPT instances on the bus |
Functions for controlling LCN components
The KNX quick (Lingg&Janke) module supports the setup of KNX instances.
calculates twilight times based on latitude and longitude
Links variables by logical operations
Functions for controlling M-Bus components
Funktionen zur Ansteuerung von Mediaplayer-Instanzen
Mennekes device setup
Functions for controlling ModBus RTU/TCP components
manages external and added PHP modules
Receiving and switching Möhlenhoff Alpha2 data
MA2_RequestStatus | Gets the values stored in the Alpha2 with the InstanceID and sets the associated variables. |
MA2_WriteValue | Writes the Value into the variable with the Ident in the Möhlenhoff Alpha 2 with the InstanceID. |
Functions for controlling MQTT components
Receiving and switching NEA Smart data
NEAS_RequestStatus | Gets the values stored in the NEA Smart with the InstanceID and sets the associated variables. |
NEAS_WriteValue | Writes the Value to the variable with the ident in the NEA Smart with the InstanceID. |
a module for sending push notifications
Über das OCPP Protokoll können Wallboxen bequem über Symcon überwacht und geschaltet werden.
Functions for controlling OPC UA components
Funktionen zum POP3-Modul zur Abfrage von E-Mails
POP3_DeleteMail | deletes a mail with a specific e-mail(UID) |
POP3_GetCachedMails | The command returns an array containing information about the cached e-mails of a POP3 instance with ID __InstanceID__. Should the instance not exist, an alert is generated. |
POP3_GetMailEx | returns an array with information for a specific e-mail (UID) |
Stylistic module for display in Visualization
Functions for detecting presence within an area
Modules, which enables various calculations within IP-Symcon
Computation Module | Calculation of different auxiliary values based on a group of variables, e.g. buzzer or average. |
Converter | Converts a variable using a self-defined formula. |
UMR_Calculate | Calculates the return of the formula for the Value and returns it. |
ConvertMultiBoundaries | Converts a variable within set limits using a self-defined formula. |
UMG_Calculate | Calculates the return of the formula for the value __Value__ and returns it. |
ValueRangeScale | Skalierung eines Wertes innerhalb eines Wertebereiches |
RegisterVariablen dienen als eine Datenweiterleitungs- und -verarbeitungsschnittstelle
Connects individual R, G, B channels to a variable, which can be controlled with the color wheel.
RGBM_RequestStatus | Determines the value of the individual R, G, B channels and sets the color variable. |
RGBM_SetRGB | Sends the R, G, B values to the individual channels and updates the color variable |
Direkteinbindung des RRDTool
RRD_Exexute | Directs a command to the RRD Tool Library and executes it. Once the command has been executed, the execution will be proceed. |
Integrates the SageGlass SIM II (BACnet) with IP-Symcon
A variable that remains at the highest or lowest value until reset.
Functions for controlling shutter (roller shutter) components
SC_Move | bewegt den Rollladen an eine bestimmte Position |
SC_MoveDown | bewegt den Rollladen bis zu Endposition runter |
SC_MoveUp | bewegt den Rollladen bis zu Endposition hoch |
SC_Stop | stoppt einen Bewegungsvorgang |
Functions for controlling shutter components (legacy)
SC_Move | moves the shutter to a specific position |
SC_MoveDown | moves the shutter down to the end position |
SC_MoveUp | moves the shutter up to the end position |
SC_Stop | stops a motion |
Funktionen zur Ansteuerung von Siemens OZW Komponenten
manages external and uploaded skins
Functions for sending SMS via SMS module
SMS_Send | versendet eine E-Mail an die Standardadresse |
Functions for the SMTP module for sending e-mails
Show values for any OIDs of a walk. Optionally, these can be created and described as variables.
Integration of Snom IP phones
A collection of simple games which can be played via the Visualization.
Controls the playback of Spotify
SPO_MakeAPIRequest | Makes a request to the Spotify web API with the specified parameters |
SPO_NextTrack | If a current playback exists, the next song will be played. |
SPO_Pause | If a current playback exists, it will be paused. |
SPO_Play | If a current, possibly paused, playback exists, it will be continued. |
SPO_PlayURI | Plays the Spotify resource with the URI __URI__ on the currently selected device. |
SPO_PreviousTrack | If a current playback exists, the previous song will be played. |
SPO_ResetToken | Resets the OAuth-token and thus the link to the Spotify account. |
SPO_SetRepeat | Sets the repeat to the value Repeat. |
SPO_SetShuffle | If Shuffle is true, random playback is enabled, otherwise disabled. |
Functions for controlling Siemens/Vipa/Logo PLC components
Device list | Device list SPS Siemens/Vipa |
Logo-VM-Addresses | VM addresses of Logo7/8 |
S7_RequestRead | performs a read operation on a device |
S7_Write | writes a value to the configured address |
S7_WriteBit | Set the address with the ID __InstanceID__ to value status |
S7_WriteByte | Set the address with the ID __InstanceID__ to __Value__ |
S7_WriteChar | [w]This function was named __S7_WriteShortInt__ up to and including Version 4.3[/w] |
S7_WriteDWord | Set the address with the ID __InstanceID__ to __Value__ |
S7_WriteInteger | Set the address with the ID __InstanceID__ to __Value__ |
S7_WriteReal | Set the address with the ID __InstanceID__ to __Value__ |
S7_WriteShort | [w]This function was named __S7_WriteSmallInt__ up to and including Version 4.3[/w] |
S7_WriteWord | Set the address with the ID __InstanceID__ to __Value__ |
Functions for controlling Wago/Beckhoff PLC components
enables the search for UPnP devices
Indicates when selected variables are active and can acknowledge them depending on the setting.
The module provides a cost statement similar to the annual statement from the energy provider.
Reads out the current/predicted electricity prices from aWATTar, Tibber or Epex Spot DE.
Creates a report as CSV or PDF depending on the modules
Funktionen zum Abfragen von Systeminformationen und -hardware
Stores the state of any number of actuators and makes them available via Visualization/PHP function.
SZS_CallScene | Calls the scene and sets it associated variables |
SZS_GetActiveScene | Returns the number of the scene that is currently active. |
SZS_SaveScene | Saves the values of the variables present in the list in the corresponding scene. |
Exports aggregated values of a variable as a CSV file in a ZIP archive
Calculation of the dew point temperature
Functions for controlling Technische Alternative components
The Telephone Announcement Module enables the convenient linking of a VoIP instance and a text-to-speech instance (AWS Polly) to call a phone number and output a text when the call is answered. In addition, the module can respond to DTMF tones and output other texts.
The 'Phone Chain' module allows to call a list of telephone numbers one after another.
Allows to send messages and perform actions
Functions for controlling a TTS module
TTS_GenerateFile | generiert eine WAV Datei mit dem gewünschten Text |
TTS_Speak | spricht einen beliebigen Text auf der gewählten Soundkarte |
provides text snippets from websites/files
When activated, the light in the staircase is switched on and is switched off again shortly after leaving the staircase.
THL_SetActive | Activates or deactivates the staircase lighting control. |
THL_Start | Activates the light in the staircase and starts the timer, which deactivates the light again. |
THL_Stop | Deactivates the light in the staircase and the timer. |
Can generate sound files in various formats
Enables renaming of selected objects via Visualization
Fetches the current rain radar image from Wetteronline and evaluates the color pixels of the rain amount.
UWZ_RequestInfo | Calculates the variable rain value of the rain central module |
Automatically sets the correct USB port to the entered serial ports.
USBM_FixPorts | Checks whether the USB ports are still configured correctly |
dient als Schnittstelle mit erweiterten Funktionen zwischen dem IP-Symcon Dienst und der Verwaltungskonsole
The VariablenVergleich module allows you to create a point cloud from two variables and compare them using linear regression.
Shows the consumption in percent in category.
Monitors a counter variable for unusual consumption.
The consumption behavior module displays the expected consumption.
Calculates the consumption between a start and end date
VIZ_Calculate | Recalculates consumption between start and end dates |
Modules for simulating various devices
Adds positive variable changes according to adjustable rules with changes of a main variable and adds this to the value of a variable.
VM_Update | Berechnet die Steigung der sekundären Messstellen und addiert dieses mit dem Ergebnis |
Input mask for manually read meter readings.
Functions for controlling VoIP
Monitors a meter variable for unnatural water consumption (leak/break).
Monitors variables and triggers an alarm if they have not been updated or changed for too long.
Any graphs can be displayed independently via the WebHook
Funktionen zum Ansteuern des WebFronts auf den Client-Rechnern
Module for calling scripts via browser
Module which makes the Visualization accessible via port
Funktionen zum Ansteuern von WinLIRC Komponenten
WinLIRC_SendOnce | Sends a remote command on the instance with ID __InstanceID__. The values remote control and button specify, which command should be sent. These must be set up accordingly in the client software (WinLIRC/ IRTrans Tray). |
Functions for controlling WMRS200 components
Gets weather data (current/hourly/12-hourly/weather warning) via API from
Functions for controlling W&T components
WUT_SwitchMode | Switches the channel with ID __InstanceID__ to value __Status__. |
Functions for controlling XBee
Funktionen zur Ansteuerung von xComfort Komponenten
Functions for controlling Z-Wave components
Device list | Device list Z-Wave |
ZW_Basic | Turns the basic function of the specified device with InstanceID __InstanceID__ |
ZW_ColorCW | sets the cold-white channel of a RGBWW Z-Wave device |
ZW_ColorRGB | sets the color of a Z-Wave device |
ZW_ColorRGBWW | sets the colors and intensity of an RGBWW Z-Wave device |
ZW_ColorWW | sets the WarmWhite channel of a Z-Wave device |
ZW_DimDown | starts dimming down |
ZW_DimDownEx | starts dimming down with a runtime |
ZW_DimSet | dimmt ein Z-Wave Gerät auf eine bestimmte Stufe |
ZW_DimSetEx | dims a Z-Wave device to a specific level within a runtime |
ZW_DimStop | stops dimming a Z-Wave device |
ZW_DimUp | starts dimming up |
ZW_DimUpEx | starts dimming up within a runtime |
ZW_DoorLockOperation | Sets the door lock operation mode of a Z-Wave device |
ZW_LockMode | sets the LockMode |
ZW_MeterReset | resets the meter |
ZW_Optimize | Starts the wireless network optimization process for a Z-Wave device |
ZW_ProtectionSet | sets the Protection and its Mode |
ZW_RequestStatus | Queries the status from the device with the ID __InstanceID__. Only power-operated devices can be queried directly by command, because battery-operated devices do not permanently listen to the queries. |
ZW_ShutterMoveDown | Moves the shutter with the ID __InstanceID__ downwards until (link: /service/dokumentation/modulreferenz/xcomfort/mxc-shutterstop text: MXC_ShutterStop) is running or the end position is reached. |
ZW_ShutterMoveUp | Moves the shutter with the ID __InstanceID__ upwards until (link: /service/dokumentation/modulreferenz/xcomfort/mxc-shutterstop text: MXC_ShutterStop) is running or the end position is reached. |
ZW_ShutterStop | Stops a current movement of the shutter. |
ZW_SwitchAllMode | Sets the Switch All mode of a Z-Wave device |
ZW_SwitchMode | schaltet ein Z-Wave Gerät an/aus |
ZW_Test | Tests if a connection to a Z-Wave device is working |
ZW_ThermostatFanModeSet | Sets the FanMode for the thermostat |
ZW_ThermostatModeSet | Sets the thermostat mode |
ZW_ThermostatSetPointSet | Sets the PointSet Value |
The meter reading can be displayed for a selected date
Meters which can overflow can be displayed as meters.
Sends data to a Zevvy account
The module enables one to switch the color value of lamps randomly between different colors.
ZB_ChangeLight | Selects random colors and sets the selected variables to them |