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Active List

Require: IP-Symcon >= 5.0

The 'Active List' shows all active variables in the WebFront and offers the possibility to switch them off simultaneously.
To do this, they must have been added to the list on the configuration page beforehand.

function scope

  • Displays all active variables in the WebFront and allows switching them off.

Software Installation

Setting up instances in IP-Symcon

  • Under "Add Instance" the 'Active List' module can be found using the quick filter.

configuration page

Name Description
Turn Off Action Creates an action to turn off the variable simultaneously
Variables A list of variables whose status is checked.

Variables are considered active when ...

  • the value of an integer or float variable is greater than the minimum value. If the variable has a .reversed profile it is considered active if the value is less than the maximum value.
  • the value of a boolean variable is true. If the variable has a .reversed profile, false is the active state.
  • the value of a string variable is not empty.

Accordingly, variables are considered inactive if ...

  • the value of an integer or float variable is the minimum value. If the variable has a .Reversed profile, it is considered inactive if the value is the maximum value.
  • the value of a boolean is false. If the variable has a .reversed profile, true is the inactive state.
  • the value of a string variable is empty.


The status variables/categories are created automatically. Deleting individual ones can lead to malfunctions.


Name Type Description
Disable Script Disables all variables that are still active.


All active variables will be displayed on the WebFront. With a click on "Switch off" all displayed variables are switched to inactive.

Any questions?