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Require: IP-Symcon >= 4.1

The JSON file "locale.json" contains the translations for "label" and "caption" of the configuration page. Graduated language abbreviations are also possible here. For example, "de_DE" or "de_AT" can also be used.


Basic structure of the JSON file
The language abbreviations indicate into which language the translation is to be carried out

     "translations": {
         "de": { 
             "Word to be translated 1": "Translation into German - Word 1",
             "Word to be translated 2": "Translation into German - Word 2"
         "de_DE": {
             "Word to be translated 1": "Translation into German - Word 1",
             "Word to be translated 2": "Translation into German - Word 2"
         "de_CH": {
             "Word to be translated 1": "Translation into Swiss German - word 1",
             "Word to be translated 2": "Translation into Swiss German - word 2"

Complete example using an SMS module (see example configuration forms )

        "translations": {
            "de": { 
                "Username": "Benutzername",
                "Password": "Passwort",
                "Sender": "Absender",
                "Type": "Typ",
                "Combi-SMS": "Kombi-SMS",
                "Number": "Nummer",
                "Message": "Nachricht",
                "Send Message": "Sende Nachricht",
                "Read Balance": "Frage Guthaben ab",
                "Login information valid": "Logindaten sind gültig",
                "Authentication failed": "Authentifizierung ist fehlgeschlagen",
                "No credits left": "Kein Guthaben vorhanden"
Any questions?