Notification Control
The Notification Control module provides a quick overview of the devices currently registered for push notifications. In the list all devices are displayed with a unique ID, the changeable name and the assigned configurators. By selecting a device and clicking the "Send test message" button, a test message can be sent to the selected device.
Push notifications can be sent via WFC_PushNotification.
Per license only one IP-Symcon server can send push notifications. Further information can be found in the Rights of Use section.
In order to grant IP-Symcon access to certain functions (e.g. push notifications), it may be necessary to set them up in the firewall. Further information can be found under Firewall.

Add devices
New devices can only be added via the mobile apps. To do this, the configuration of the server must be carried out again within the respective app. In the last step, when selecting the configurator, the option of activating/deactivating the notifications for each configurator prevails. As soon as the device has been registered on the server, it appears in the registered configurator and in the notification control overview.
Rename devices
The name of a device can be changed at any time. To do this, the small arrow icon in the list must be clicked.
Remove devices
In the Notification Control, devices can be removed from the notification completely. If devices are to be removed from an individual configurator, this can be set in the respective configurator under the "Notifications" tab.
Reactivate server
The push notifications are sent via the IP-Symcon. For additional security, the sending server authenticates itself so that it can be clearly identified as the sender. If the server is changed, replaced, or reinstalled, reactivation may be required. This reactivation can be done every 24 hours and started using the "Reactivate server" button. You will be notified about this change by email. This is done in order to detect misuse of a license at an early stage.
Daily push notifications
As a standard, 250 push messages from Notification Control are possible per day. These can be increased to 1000 using the special switch (NotificationLimit).
A reactivation is required if the following error message appears:
“Your server authentication token has changed. Please reactivate your server.”