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Replace I/O of a gateway

Sometimes it is necessary to replace the I/O instance of a gateway.
This would be the case if, for example, TCP-based communication is to be used instead of serial. Or another/new gateway is used.


A list of the different I/O's can be found under Instances -> Connection components .

The easiest way to reach the gateway to the respective device instance is via the gear wheel in the lower area of the "Configuration" tab.

The parent instance, in this case the I/O instance, can now be set in the "Configuration" tab of the gateway.

The instance selection window is opened via the "New instance" button (see screenshot).

gateway configuration page
I/O replacement menu

Here, the existing I/O instance is replaced with a new instance. After completing the dialog, the newly set up I/O instance opens automatically and can be configured.


In general, it is possible to configure the existing I/O instance directly using the gear wheel next to the "New Instance" button.

Any questions?