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Error Messages

An error message is displayed either directly or in the message log. Error messages are shown in red in the message window.
All error messages that appear in the message log are also saved in the log file in the "logs" folder.


The following applies: If an error message is not displayed directly, it will be displayed in the message log.

Examples for a direct output of the error messages:

  • Execute in the Script Editor
  • Execute in WebFront and the app
  • Execute one’s own action (Script / PHP Module) via WebFront and app
  • Executing Web Hooks and OAuth Hooks

Examples of error messages in the log:

  • Events (cyclic, trigger)
  • Script timer
  • Timers of instances (including PHP modules)
  • Error in the start and stop script in the Event Control
  • Error when evaluating a Register Variable
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