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Require: IP-Symcon >= 5.0

A Switch can be switched on (true) or off (false).


A Switch is a variable with the presentation Switch. To use this presentation, the variable must fulfill the following conditions:


Parameter Description
Individual icons based on value If set, individual icons can be selected for true and false. Otherwise, a single icon is selected, which is always displayed
Icon Icon which is permanently displayed on the switch (only available if "Individual icons based on value" is not set)
Icon for true Icon which is displayed on the switch if the variable has the value true (only available if "Individual icons based on value" is set)
Icon for false Icon which is displayed on the switch if the variable has the value false (only available if "Individual icons based on value" is set)
Color of glow while active Configures the colour of the glow around the switch when it is active, i.e., when the variable has the value true
Intensity of glow while active Configures the intensity of the glow around the switch when it is active, i.e., when the variable has the value true
Variable Usage Use of the variable in summarized presentations. The value does not have a direct effect on the display of the variable, but only on its use in summarized displays.

Display as Legacy Profile

If a variable uses the presentation Legacy profile, it is displayed as a Switch if it also fulfills the following conditions:

When using a variable profile, some parameters of the slider are derived

Variable Usage

The use depends on the profile name.

  • On/Off for profile name
    • ~Switch
    • No profile
  • Mute Switch for profile name "~Mute"

Appearance in Tile Visualization

As own Tile

Switch in Tile

Within a List

Switch in List

Appearance in the WebFront

Falls die Darstellung über ein Legacy-Profil erfolgt, unterscheidet das WebFront ob kein Variablenprofil gesetzt ist oder das Profil "~Switch" und hat für jeden Fall eine eigene Darstellung.

If the appearance occurs via Legacy profile, the WebFront distinguishes whether no variable profile is set or the "~Switch" profile and has a separate display for each case

With Presentation "Switch" or Profile ~Switch

Switch in WebFront with profile ~Switch

Without Profile

Switch in WebFront without profile
Any questions?