Require: IP-Symcon >= 6.1
Creates an input for conditions.

If created in the "elements" area, the property name is set to a JSON-coded list when accepted, whereby each element represents an object with the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
id | Condition ID |
parentID | Parent condition ID |
operation | Operation for linking the individual rules (0: AND, 1: OR, 2: NAND (not yet implemented), 3: NOR (not yet implemented)) |
rules | Object that describes the rules of the condition |
Parameter | Description |
variable | List of the variable rules |
date | List of date rules |
time | List of time rules |
dayOfTheWeek | List of weekday rules |
Representation of a rule
Parameter | Description |
id | Unique ID of the rule within the rule list |
comparison | Comparison operator with which the current value is compared with the comparison value (0: =, 1: ≠, 2: >, 3: ≥, 4: <, 5: ≤) |
value | The comparison value, the type depends on the type of rule Variable: If "type" = 0, this is the absolute comparison value that matches the type of the variable; if "type" = 1, this is a variable ID whose value is used for comparison Date: The value is saved as an object with the fields "year", "month" and "day", analogous to the representation of IPS_SetEventConditionDateRule Time: The value is saved as an object with the fields "hour", "minute" and "second", analogous to the representation of IPS_SetEventConditionTimeRule Weekday: The comparison day is saved as a number (1: Monday, 2: Tuesday, 3: Wednesday, 4: Thursday, 5: Friday, 6: Saturday, 7: Sunday) |
variableID (only with variable rules) | The ID of the variable that contains the current value |
type (only with variable rules) | If 0 the variable is compared with an absolute value, if 1 it is compared with the value of another variable |
Instead of evaluating a configured condition independently, the IPS_IsConditionPassing function should be used. There the value of the SelectCondition can be used directly as a parameter.
If the saved condition contains nested conditions or "multi" is set to false and the condition contains several rules, the rule is displayed as "complex" and cannot be edited.
Parameter | Description |
caption (optional) | (default: "") Visible caption (since IP-Symcon 7.1) |
enabled (optional) | (default: true) If true, the selection can be used, otherwise it is displayed as deactivated |
multi (optional) | (default: false) If false, an individual rule is defined by the element, if true an entire condition with any number of rules |
name (optional) | Name of the selection/the property to be set |
type | SelectCondition |
value (optional) | (default: no condition) The value of the selection - If there is an associated property, this parameter will be overwritten by the property in the elements area |
visible (optional) | (default: true) If true, the selection is visible, otherwise it is invisible |
width (optional) | (default: 300px, if multi = false, otherwise 100%) Fixed width of the input field in pixels or % as a string, e.g. "40%" or "250px" |
{ "type": "SelectCondition", "name": "PropertyCondition", "multi": true }