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Require: IP-Symcon >= 5.5

Creates a selection dialog with the caption caption.
If created in the "elements" area, the property name is set to the name of the selected profile when accepted.



Parameter Description
caption Visible caption
download (optional) (default: "") If this parameter is not an empty string and the output of the onChange script is a Data-URL, the output is downloaded as a text file with the name of the download parameter. (since IP-Symcon 7.0)
enabled (optional) (default: true) If true, the profile selection can be used, otherwise it is displayed as deactivated
link (optional) (default: false) If this parameter is true, the output of the onChange script is opened as a link. If it is false, the output is displayed as a dialog in the configuration form. (since IP-Symcon 6.0)
name (optional) Name of the selection/the property to be set
onChange (optional) (default: "") Script which is executed when the value of the profile selection is changed. If the script consists of several lines, the individual lines can also be defined as an array (arrays are supported since version 6.0). It has the same properties as onClick of the Button
profileType (optional) (default: -1) The type of profile which can be selected (-1: All, 0: Boolean, 1: Integer, 2: Float, 3: String)
type SelectProfile
value (optional) (default: "") The value of the profile selection - If there is an associated property, this parameter is overwritten by the property in the elements area
visible (optional) (default: true) If true, the profile selection is visible, otherwise it is invisible
width (optional) (default: 300px) Fixed width of the profile selection in pixels or % as a string, e.g. "40%" or "250px"


{ "type": "SelectProfile", "name": "PropertyProfileName", "caption": "Profil - Integer" , "profileType": 1}
Any questions?